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Follow up on me and my bike ? I notice and I might be wrong, that there are many more male cyclists than female. why ???   Has it to do with the type of saddle and womens biology ? Been wondering a long time so just asking

VAL3941 8 May 11

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Thank you for the sensitivity you have shown towards your fellow cyclists if the female gender. We need more men like you in the world. Especially in India, Italy, Mexico, Egypt, the USA. The spouse commented as you, that he was completely unaware of how bad it was for women out there. I suggested he dress like a woman & see what happens. And please take note. I am not talking about friendly flirting or compliments which also occur. It is the inquiry as to giving out blow jobs that is disturbing when one is riding along in bliss & then that comment is yelled from a passing car. I used to wear my hair boyishly short. As soon as it began to grow a little close to my ears the comments would begin. Now I am just too cheap to cut it.

Thank you, this has been a very enlightening post for me, which has had an overwhelming response. Seems many ladies feel very strongly about this ?


Are you speaking motor, or pedal ?

For either, not my experience - not at all ... I see many women riders wherever I go.

I am dismayed to see all the fears expressed here, about riding alone though. Maybe I've been lucky, or present a "don't F with me" aura when I'm out there - but I have hiked, biked, kayaked, and wandered all over the place alone , and continue to do so...

Perhaps a women's self defense course is in order for some ? You may never have to use your new skills - but by knowing them, your attitude and awareness may change !

Compared to the number of men. And where ??? Thank you for your comment !

Sorry, pedal power !

The fears expressed here are real and are not confined to cycling only it seems ?


That and the fact that it is so dangerous for women to do any outdoor sport for fear of rape. Women have to basically do outdoor sports in pairs or groups, and bikes cost more than just sneakers for running, so it's easier to put together a group of women to run than bike.

Thank you for your comment and have taken note. It is appreciated.

as my father used to say, " wherever you are, be there ". Meaning beware of your surroundings at all times.

@Omen6Actual hell to the no. Guns are never the answer. I'd rather remain aware of my surroundings and proactively avoid situations.

@Omen6Actual I've carried pepper spray and a taser a few times.


My experience says there are a fairly high number of female cyclist but maybe that is just because I am from the Pacific Northwest.

In comparrison to men ???


Yes in comparison to men. I would even say the number may not be more women but it is very very close to equal if not.

Thank you ?


Are you talking about a motorcycle or bicycle?

Bicycle my dear ! Motorcycles are for Wimps. Lol


I haven't biked since that last hit and run that knocked me over and destroyed my bicycle.

Sorry to hear that. Buy another and start riding again, will do your self confidence a lot of good. Thank you for the comment !


Before I owned a car, the cycle was my mode of transportation in the urban environ. Now that I have escaped & reside in a rural setting I no longer cycle. I have had attempts to steal my bike as I rode. I have had harassment and nasty attention. I used to ride at 3 am in order to avoid THEM. Whether cycling or not, so many men do not realize the danger & abuse women have to endure just being a woman....all over the world. We are the hunted gender. We are prey. But some prey fight back. I call the company & complain about the behavior of commercial drivers after getting the cab number or license plate. I call the police if harassers are stationary on a project. I use the knuckle sandwich technique if physically threatened. As I have secluded myself from the onslaught of testosterone I urge all women not to ignore, not to let it go, but to fight back any way you can until we take back our sovereignty.

like someone opening their door into you as they drive by?

Sorry to hear all this, being a man I never realised how bad it was.My mother brought me up to treat every woman as a lady, irrrespective of thier background. AlthoughnI am guilty at times of trolling, it was all meant tongue in cheek. Once again I apologise !


I enjoy biking sometimes but it's not something I have a great preference for. Can't say that my biology has anything to do with it. It's more the steep hills I would have to overcome around here.

Thank you for your input !


haven't had bike except exercise bike in years

So you can't use it for trasport ??? Shame.

getting back to living after cancer-getting back to living again.


Biking for transportation? Yes, went to school, went to appointment, went shopping, went to the beach.
For sport? No, had no time for sport.
Now I have time but no balance.

That is no excuse, get back in the saddle and ride, ride, ride !


No we get broader saddles that fit our larger arses. I found when I was cycling in Manchester that there was a spate of people in vans knocking cyclists down on purpose and stealing your bike and just leaving you to pick yourelf up bruised and shaken - maybe a man would deal with that better but its a bit of a turn off so is being on a tandem and everyone in the world shouting 'lazy daisy'! at you

Larger areses ?? I think your perky little bottoms look sexy on a bicycle saddle. Sorry to hear about the rest of your comment !


Well, my club has many women riders, in fact a few of the strongest are ladies. But you're probably correct overall.

Hey ! I am trying to disprove myself here . Lol


Nah, nothing to do with womens biology but all to do with women and lycra.

Lycra ?? Thought women loved lycra ?

Welcome to the Hillbilly club, thats how I ride !

@VAL3941 Only the ones who like growing a moustache.

@Bierbasstard Some of those hillbilly rubes can look pretty sexy if you are very short sighted, so don't be too hard on yourself.

Will a beard do ?? Lol


Slightly more men in my area on the bikes, but not a big difference

Thanks for your input, There are far fewer males than females so female cyclists should out number male cyclists ?

@VAL3941 Are you referring to your area?

Generally I should think, but I was refering to my area in Cape Town, South Africa !

@VAL3941 Oh I see. Yes, I don't think in general that is the case, but it may be certainly so in your area. And if it is the case there - I would also expect to see more women out on bikes too. It may also have to do with some other feature of your area that makes women hesitate to do outside activities or something

What ??? Because they know I am out and about on my bike ??? Lol ? ?

@VAL3941 I expect if they realized you were out riding, there would a lot more ladies riding too 🙂

Thank you for the compliment. Should I put an advert in the local paper ?? Lol

@VAL3941 Couldn't hurt 😉

Would you be the first to come running ? Hope so ???


What @DevraisA1 says is an experience that many, perhaps most, female cyclists will recognise. Secondly, cycling is still largely presented as a male sport - look at the cycling magazines in a shop and see how many feature a female cyclist on the cover, then look inside and see how many articles and adverts feature female cyclists. How many people are aware that there are thousands of women's cycling races every year, which get virtually no media coverage at all? How many outside the cycling world are aware that the most successful cyclist in the world today (by a long way) is a woman?

But, women have been cycling since the bicycle was invented, and racing too - Marie Marvingt tried to enter the Tour de France in 1908 (when she wasn't allowed to do so, she followed the race around France instead - and completed the entire distance, unlike more than half of the men who did enter) and Alfonsina Strada entered the Giro d'Italia in 1924. Things are starting to change. I'm a fan of cycle racing, and specifically women's cycling - the sport has grown enormously in the last ten years, and at long last it's starting to get covered in the press and even occasionally on TV. This will get more women cycling, just like there's always an upturn in bike sales to men whenever a big race such as the Tour de France is on.

Incidentally, one of the best climbing cyclists in the world today (who, very unusually for a climber, is also a talented sprinter) is a woman from your country: Ashleigh Moolman-Pasio.

Jnei Level 8 May 11, 2018

Thank you for that insight ! Very enlightening. Still riding around the streets on day to day business I see very few female cyclists !


I don't think I am alone in saying that I have been bothered/intimidated while riding. I am now afraid to ride unless I am in a very public place. This sounds funny, but I wish you could know what it is like being a woman alone. We have to be constantly on guard against unwanted attentions/innuendos. I truly don't think I am paranoid...I am now 64 years old and to some people no longer beautiful. It STILL does not stop men from slowing down their car and asking if I want a ride in a creepy way.

That is creepy indeed.

Thank you for your comment, but I am not sure this is the whole story ? I get into coversations with cyclists all the time, females included, and I just get the impression females are less interested in cycling than males. I will waitvfor other comments and see what transpires. Please follow this post.

not paranoid at all

@btroje Sarcasm?

@DevraisA1 no I agree with you

@btroje Thank you. (It is so hard to understand the tone of voice when something is in writing.)

@btroje Thank you. (It is so hard to understand the tone of voice when something is in writing.)

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