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Guinea pigs. They're not just for eating anymore.


To insanity and beyond
Mooolah comments on Aug 10, 2018:
"Space Force" won't add to the trillion dollars of deficit generations hence have now been blessed with. Bankrupting America after Clinton left us as a creditor nation. =0{
I hope the sewer system will be up to the task...
Mooolah comments on Aug 10, 2018:
It is gonna be a cogger
Hahaha! From @heather2367 in the memes group in case you missed it. Pretty appropriate for us!
Mooolah comments on Aug 10, 2018:
I would unblock them but the Barbi Dolls squealed so loud my account was suspended. After I get my free Tee shirt I will hunt them down & I will be suspended again. Probably.
Just became legal this is my first : EAST COAST SOUR DIESEL STRAIN smooth, pain free instantly, ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 10, 2018:
Grow your own. It will help you beat the tobacco addiction.
I am a firm supporter of gun control I use both hands.
Mooolah comments on Aug 10, 2018:
And responsible storage.
I wrote this about 6 years ago I never thought That I would like to be called a slut.
Mooolah comments on Aug 10, 2018:
This group is so much more mature than the bimbos over in that Deviant group.
Trump train conductors driving America down the wrong tracks.
Mooolah comments on Aug 10, 2018:
He is my Representative & quit as Boehner did 'cause the Freedom Caucus won't go along with his agenda which is not extreme enough. Cut food assistance here in Wisconsin by 2/3rds. What other plans does he have to abuse the unfortunate before he leaves office I dare not imagine.
BLAME THE UNIONS -- I must admit, as a retired union member (IUPAT) and (SAG/AFTRA) I am fucking ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 10, 2018:
To add to your list: Paid vacation No child labor pay parity weekends off holidays off with pay 3rd shift premiums 2 breaks every 8 hour shift lunch break workman's compensation sick leave parental leave health savings accounts 401K Safe working conditions All because of our unions. How much do the current labor force take for granted what unions past fought & died for. It is shameful what a complacent hubristic work force has become.
Their last hope?
Mooolah comments on Aug 10, 2018:
BLAME THE UNIONS -- PART 2 Just to clarify: When I worked as a Trade Show Exhibit Installer as a ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 10, 2018:
Union Yes! We are experiencing a decline in the middle class due to the dismantling & disgracing of the union movement. From a long line of union men & women I have been a member of 3 unions. The Communication Workers of America & the National Association Of Letter Carriers & AARP. Why was I able to share in the wealth produced by these enterprises? Because of the unions which provided for a dialogue with management to share in the prosperity. Where I was able to work one job, many are now tasked with multiple jobs & still do not reap the benefits union members attain. "Right to Work" is not. It is right to be exploited. Missouri the Show Me State, showed the bosses by defeating a proposal that would have weakened even further the union movement. Get smart 'yall. Get unionized.
A pretty visitor
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Making the monarch happy is good karma
Old school
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
The times as well as the language has changed. What is that thing on fire in his mouth anyway?
Why are the right-wingers indistinguishable from trolls?
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
They are cultists. They can not think for them selves & must follow blindly. That is easier than thinking critically. They are bigots & resentful just as he is. Contempt for the environment as it is only to be used for business purposes. Children in cages is fine as long as they are brown. Private for profit prisons are fina as long as they are filled with young black men. Women are acceptable as long as they can be grabbed by the "pussy".
I thought this one is so good it deserves a stand alone post...
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Some how Trumpty Dumpty doesn't refer to Vlad the Poisoner as "Little Vlad". Some how he doesn't do that.
The well read patient has a 50% higher chance of success than patients who do not read up on their ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
I read a book years ago. "The Highly Sensitive Person". I had done everything in that book to cope., The last chapter provided the final suggestion. Medication. So I did. At the time stigma remained but stigma was never an issue. I am, we are fortunate that medication is an option. That we have insurance to cover it thanks to President Bill Clinton. That we live in a country where it is available & a time in history where it is tangible. Gratitude!
Men you can't live with them and you can't kill them.
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
I just can't. Know matter how much........ I just can't do it.
Bottled happiness
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Yeah. What's wrong with you? Why would you want people to be happy?
Long ago I discovered that laughter is not always because we find something funny.
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Insightful read. I remember back in the late 70's seeing the first anti apartheid posters on the L train walls. I met a man who advised me that Rhodesia was not as bad as South Africa. One system of oppression is not as bad as another. Perhaps.
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.
This is the reason.
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
The most dangerous thing about cannabis is its illegality.
@Mikeflora mentioned recently that people like @spiketalon, @omen6actual & myself should just "admit...
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
If one is bat shit crazy one should not have access to guns. Guns, like vehicles can be deadly so......
My sister's veggies from her garden, sure do miss gardening with my sister.
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Eat your colors.
On this day in 1974, the trickster said he was resigning in a nationally televised speech.
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
"I am not a crook". Must have a different definition than Webster.
RIO DE JANEIRO — The lone survivor of an isolated tribe in the Brazilian Amazon, monitored and ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
So little time left to put clothes on him, civilize him & christianize him so save what is really important....his soul. (tongue in cheek)
These are pallets of asbestos, sealed with plastic and stamped with the image of the Trump whose EPA...
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Sanctions? I don't buy Russian anything anyway. Swedish vodka.
Said the then head of Breitbart 'News"!!!
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Just who cleaned him up?
He's probably available for this Saturday.
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Whew. Not I don't have to worry about being alone with him.
Change is difficult.
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Why won't he listen to me when I tell him this. If one always does what one has always done, one will always get what they've always got.
Some Trump supporter aren't traitors, Nazis, or racist.
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Yes indeed. Cultists are challenged. Just ask a Scientologist.
Kiri Kiri & Wisspurr Wisspurr Purrin Purr-Dee Kiri & Purr-Dee Wisspurr Stormy & babies ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Is that Cheeper a guinea pig? My favorite rodent. Best pet ever. Cats & dogs are more like family, Cavies are more of a pet as they don't last as long, easier to contain & great as a first pet for children.
Discat loves his Daddy.
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
And his daddy loves Discat.
Familiar "Wannabe"
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Plenty in the prairie. Summer is for the prairie.
Have you ever been on a first date with someone and found that you have nothing in common yet the ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Hello??? She carries that thing 9 months if she is not careful. Then it is stuck to her for 7 more years. Where is he? At the pool hall, smok'in in the boys room. Screw 'dat!
So wise...
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Childless by choice. No kids. No worries. Live long & prosper.
Those that make peaceful revolution impossible Will make violent revolution inevitable
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
This is why we must protect the 2nd Amendment from the gun fanatics. It is essential to preserve liberty, not just to protect the home. We a citizens must be able to resist despotic governments. We may have tp surround the WH in order to drag him out of there.
Are Trump supporters:
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
#6 Cultists
The finger pointing has begun.
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Ok I am sitting down playing a video game then suddenly I hear a buzzing sound then something ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Are you Maduro?
I grew up with cats and have had them my whole adult life,dogs are sometimes, but cats are always !!...
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Cats are cats. Dogs are dogs. Different animals that merit no comparison. Each brings different positives & negatives. Each have a place in my heart, my home, my world. Have had both my whole life save one year when the landlord said No. Then he said yes & changed his mind on responsible pet ownership. Forgive me. I am always out there trying to change the world. It is a very challenging endeavor. If the world would just do as I say all would be well.
How to impress a woman...or not. []
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Boys can bust a move!
This isWorcester....S.A. [] for @SukiSue....
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Gulf course? Now that IS offensive.
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
I don't need my guns to defend my home. My dogs do that, not to mention my attitude. We need the 2nd amendment & Trump & his ilk is the reason. "Let's take the guns first. Then due process." President Trump
Don Jr. who?
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
The sperm that got to the ova first. Ah beddea ah beddea ......that's all folks!
A Guerilla Anthropologist Looks to the Future We live in a world filled with seemingly insoluble ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 9, 2018:
No children. No worry. I try & leave the world in a better place. As much as I can low energy use, no plastic, near vegetarian, habitat restoration, no wind chimes.
A pair of Soldier Beetles and a Skipper on Thistle
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Doing the wild thing.
I meant to post this earlier.
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
A good story. Gives me hope also.
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Open to all. Just no proselytizing. Block 'em if 'ya don't like 'em.
The Top Ten Things a Man Likes To Hear From a Woman (A GuyKeith original) You had 5 beers left...
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Thank you. Now I know 10 things I am doing wrong.
What things did people have in the 70’s that we don’t have now?
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Women's gay bars
What do you call your mother-in-law?
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Anybody previously religious? Which book or idea broke the camels back for you?
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
When I learned the truth about Santa Claus. That did it for me at 6 years old.
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Been there done that. Had the police involved. Won't do that again. The cat was on my roof every day when I came home from work. I finally kept it inside & one day they came looking for it,. The spouse let it out in front of them. They cursed me out. The next day it was on the roof again. I called the police. They instructed. Next time animal control They went nuts having to pay $40.00 to get it back. On my roof the next day. I had the cat for the next 12 years. I moved & now I trap any cat on my property. All the cats are neutered. One male neutered cat is permitted outside. He keeps the other cats away from his territory. His collar is wrapped in hazard orange tape & 2 bells. All of my wildlife know he is around. But you can not do this. There are nuisance ordinances. But they being christians might shoot you. You are in a tough place. I feel for you. All you could do would be to gently educate them but you know how christians are about education & knowledge. Audubon may have some articles you could give them But can they read? They are christians & only read one book.You need to fence it against the cats. Use a sprinkler to discourage them. Coyote urine from a hunting supply store. But they will over power your resolve. I ended up with 16 cats locked in my garage until old man Budzig passed away & his free breeding barn cats diminished. My heart goes out to you.
Now don't you wish you were a.
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Red heads have 3% Neanderthal DNA. The most of us homosapiens. Africans the least at zero. I love me some neanderthal.
What right does the atty general have to take on a job of increasing christian values within our ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
He is not establishing a religion. He is enhancing it. This may go to the courts as secular groups sue.
How much of the allure of religion, for men , is just for the illegitimate entitlements of male ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Oh I would say , approximately 100%
Denialism: what drives people to reject the truth | News | The Guardian
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
"The Long Read" is the section of the Guardian this article is in. HE wouldn't get past the 1st poaragraph as HE gets all of his info from BreitFart & Pox Spews.
We waited 2,000 years for this?
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
I can't hate them. They are mentally challenged. Forgive them for they know not what they do, the stink'in family values bigots.
Best cure for melanoma, this photo is gross but it shows you what cannabis oil can do.
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Mueller's coming
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Here is a shovel. Keep talking. Keep tweeting.
Greetings, new member here.
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Grow descretely
Ever wonder how long it takes a giraffe to puke? Or is it just me?
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Made me laugh. That's a good thing.
A pic from 2017: A freshly emerged pipevine swallowtail that I reared from a caterpillar I collected...
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
terrific once again.
I found this guy while I was making a delivery in the middle of nowhere.
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Good for you. Props. Sure could use more men like you.
It's really mind-boggling just how many people have it SO wrong about 45.
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
I can answer your question assuming it is not rhetorical. I went into their domain to try & understand just how they could support such an un American traitor. The answer is cult. They follow instead of thinking for themselves. Cultists follow the leader as lemmings right over the edge. Nothing matters but the leader & his edicts. The leader tells them what they want or need to hear & they follow the leader of the cult into the abyss. Facts do not matter. Feelings do. They FEEL he is correct. They agree with the leader's assessment. What I heard & learned is frightening. I am in fear for my country.
What things did people have in the 70’s that we don’t have now?
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
George McGovern
So, @Admin has been consulted on the matter and it is official: Even though it is not pretty yet, ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Administration is very responsive. Thank you for letting me back in the playground again.
How to grow pot in a pot.?
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
I am positively swooning. Definately indica
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Lest a repeat of fanatical fascists fighting to the last 13 year old as in Berlin, an assault on Japan would have been too great a cost in allied lives. It took 2 atomic bombs. Not one but 2. That is how fanatical fascists can be. I for one lament its use & that it was my country that had to use 2. Celebrate not the burning of babies.
Found this growing wild in my sisters Garden last year, can you guess what it is, it's a size of a ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Another one who was tricked into expressing his honest opinions, Arpaio didn't look rattled at any ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
He got into interview Cheney as a Mosad agent! "What was your favorite war?" How does this happen? Sasha is a genius
Tragedy is when I cut MY finger Comedy is when YOU step into an open sewer and die -Mel Brooks
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
One of the greatest. When Anne Bancroft was leaving him after an argument she went to put on her shoes and her foot came out covered in whipped cream.
A Sisyphean task.
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Sisyphus had it easy. He only had one big tweet to push up the mountain.
I can't have kids, so instead I have an Asha "Nugget" Morgoth.
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Much better than kids. No bail, no college, no car.
Two things... First could we be able to search for a group by the Originators name?
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
When I first joined there were 4 groups. Now it is in the billions. One gets points for starting a group & that Tee shirt is mighty important.
Okay, listen up please! I am running my election platform past you bunch of malcontents and ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Perhaps a biodegradable waste pick up dispensor near any dog park. Encouraging those with pets to clean up after their darlings do doggy doo. Discourage the use of plastic in any form on the island. i.e. plastic eating utensils, grocery bags, one time use items, straws etc. If there are wildlife reproduction/habitat areas they should be protected with fines, oversight & signs prohibiting entrance ATVs are a polluting disruption to the tranquility & enjoyment of most people who do not use them. Wind chimes belong inside as a deterrent to home invasion. Not outside disrupting the whist. I think your platform is terrific & well thought out. Good luck.
I don't know if anybody has noticed, but that asshole revamped the Whitehouse.
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
But that is ok because he is the leader of the cult. He can dismantle the Constitution because he is the leader of the cult. Whatever he says or does is ok because he is.... Drink the kool aid. Put the plastic bag over your head. Follow me into the abyss. 39%
Two things... First could we be able to search for a group by the Originators name?
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
I deleted my group as it was a protest to administration. I made my point to administration & thus found no use to keep it up & running.
Someone mentioned Justified and Timothy Olyphant, so I'm running with it.
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
I would have to check his teeth first then I might keep him with the others.
I hate the way People are easily offended.
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Well now that my suspension is over because the thin skinned bimbos cried all the way to administration that I was rude, I have to agree with you. & it was in the Deviant Sex group. Bunch of PUSSIES. Cried to daddy like a bunch of babies instead of facing me like women. But the guys like 'em cause they have cute pictures with boobies. I don't have big boobies to show. And I wouldn't show 'em if I did. So poopy on them.
So your favorite Manchurian candidate finally admits to collusion, contradicting his own statements ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
But that is all just fine in a cult of personality. Anything he says is true even tho he said the opposite 5 seconds ago. Get out & vote a paper ballot. American needs you to vote Democratic to check him in the House. So very urgent to do so.
Just saying hello and hope everyone has a great day today.
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Retired I ask, "what's work". For my usual fun I will be cleaning the chicken coop, the dog kennel. Then I will be filling the bird feeders. Replenish the bird bath. Harvest a bit of cannabis. Water the plants. Cut down some invasive saplings. Mow the path thru the prairie. Then retire inside as the heat will get me. Nice cold lemonade.
11 children rescued from filthy compound looked like 'third-world country refugees' - ABC News
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Unaddressed mental illness.....again
He Lies All The Time
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Pathological lying is an accepted form of communication amoung personality cults. Whatever they say is approved as it is much easier than thinking for ones self. We must vote in great numbers with paper ballots as the Russian hackers are targeting the electronic counters that tally even the paper ballots.
Who else enjoys owning a hole in the water into which one throws money.
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Well if you lived in it full time the repairs might be tax deducatble via a second mortgage or home equity line of credit. Still deductable if used for home repairs. Move to Sausalito & live in a boat.
Thanks to cannabis, I am (hopefully not jinxing) about to hit the six months seizure free mark.
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
I am so very joyous at the progress you have made in reducing the seizures. I do hope this continues & your post brought me some happiness this morning.
For having some of the strictest gun control measures in the country, Chicago sure is riddled with ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Gang warfare. The police are out gunned. All of the gangs are armed & mother's & children are caught in the crossfire. Guns for everyone!
If you could be alone with tRump in a locked room for 5 minutes what would you do?
Mooolah comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Grab & squeeze asking "how do you like it?"
Seriously, wtf Jesus.
Mooolah comments on Aug 5, 2018:
I'm offended. Oh, well.
Moral police
Mooolah comments on Aug 4, 2018:
GOP. Party of less government as they add more government. Thought police is next.
I think he would've too
Mooolah comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Pushing the kids out of the way like George Castanza
Well, they are somewhat eye-catching!
Mooolah comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Interesting! []
Mooolah comments on Aug 4, 2018:
My boss is on your left. I don't understand why I was so unpopular with management.
Parade my ass.
Mooolah comments on Aug 4, 2018:
I am telling 'yall those Trumpturds do not believe that veterans are homeless. They deny it & the proof I submitted is dismissed as "fake news" or "that liberal rag". So they are hopeless & I am writing them off. "What you are seeing is not what you are seeing. What you are hearing is not what you are hearing." Very much as the book by George Orwell. Who? Never mind.
I love the Liberal Redneck! []
Mooolah comments on Aug 4, 2018:
I am moving his district just so I can vote for him. Ooops. Gerrymandered again. Moving back.
Making America...oh screw it...
Mooolah comments on Aug 4, 2018:
A credit his race. He votes. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
The problem with edibles, when you mix the batter you have to taste to insure the taste is right, ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Walk. Don't drive. Good citizen.
Walk a mile in my shoes ?
Mooolah comments on Aug 4, 2018:
The challenge is keeping the stuff in my head, in my head.
My only halfway decent pic of a blue heron, this year.
Mooolah comments on Aug 4, 2018:
There used be a rookery behind my Wisconsin property. Over 200 years old was the estimate. The clacking & squawking in the twightlight as they sparred for nest settling was rauchus & brought mind dinosaurs in the primordeal fog. The rookery blew down in a 1998 winter storm. They have dispersed but habitat is scarce. I have them & the great white hunting the edges of the pond. The heron, not the shark.
I can't take it.
Mooolah comments on Aug 4, 2018:
And why would a woman put bad tatoos all over her self. Unless she is in a circus. But lady. No wonder you can't get a job. You will have to wear turtle necks for the rest of your life. You have uglyfied 'yoself. Perceived trolling equals "Just block me".
And you're paying for it.
Mooolah comments on Aug 4, 2018:
He is not aging well. No picture of Dorian Grey in his closet. All the surly, smarmy, smut shows on that face.


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You were a great red cat Tula.
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