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Where else but in Broken Hill, Australia would you get a mob of emus trying to barrack for the local team at the Saturday arvo games?


FrayedBear 9 Aug 5

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Emus say "get out of our habitat. Look what you have done to it."


now that i got me a nice sturdy swag i seriously consider to put broken hill on my map - more so after this good news. viva el wildlife!

Go before summer and winter at night can be very cold. Avoid Milat and impersonators.

@FrayedBear, i won't leave here before november - & take no hitchhikers.

@walklightly could be hot. Generally under 30 but highest was 44°C - just put the a/c on by opening the window.

@FrayedBear, i lived in wa for a few years; temps there went up to 47 in summer. i can deal with that & an arid environment better than the tropical sauna where i'm now.

@walklightly I told you to try down here. Dry and 4 seasons a year.

@FrayedBear, i certainly keep that in mind.

@walklightly you know how to contact me for suggestions.




Emus are exceptional!

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