News & Links
3 hours ago3h

Posted by pedigojr
A whole new direction for our upcoming presidential election. Just think of how many we have here of E. Indian heritage. This could be a big plus for Kamila (who I support wholeheartedly). BTW S. Indian food is very different from that of the North. ...
News & Links
2 hours ago2h

Posted by Flyingsaucesir
For two days this week (and possibly three; data is still coming in), the average temperature over the entire Earth has been the hottest ever recorded. And candidate Donald Trump sold us out to the fossil fuel companies for a billion-dollar donation ...
News & Links
9 hours ago9h

Posted by 1patriot
UPDATED: Town of Jasper ablaze, fire reaches historic Park Lodge, military on the way
News & Links
10 hours ago10h

Posted by 1patriot
With MASSIVE REVELATIONS like this emerging nearly every week now, the NWO is ramping up efforts to get their CONTROL GRID in place BEFORE the US election. They need for there to be DRAMA to act as a DISTRACTION for them to get their draconian ...
News & Links
20 hours ago20h

Posted by 1patriot
BAD NEWS FOR THE WHITE HOUSE WILL CONTINUE Word Received: April 28, 2024 Scottsdale is going to be in your news for a significant reason. IT'S ALL COME TO A HEAD Word Received: July 24, 2022 A sex-trafficking ring is about to be in your news, just...
News & Links
20 hours ago20h

Posted by 1patriot
FreedomWriter writes!: Now ask yourself as to why the government and mainstream media continue to mislead the general public of a crises that doesn’t exist? I’ll tell you why, it’s to garner support from the public for what they’re ...
News & Links
21 hours ago21h

Posted by Aaron70
With Boeing and Space X being major players here, they both should feel good about their chances!!?! 🤠
News & Links
1 day ago1d

Posted by Aaron70
They never stop shitting on these natives……literally!!😒
1 comment
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1 day ago1d

Posted by snytiger6
LINKA Texas public school superintendent won't stop promoting Christianity at work -- Friendly Atheist
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1 day ago1d

Posted by 1patriot
Ted Gunderson FBI Whistleblower Killed By The Illuminati Ted Genderson was an Ex-FBI Cheif whistleblower. He exposed satanism in the CIA, drug running, chemtrails,the illuminati,mk ultra mind control. He was killed by the illuminati to ...
News & Links
1 day ago1d

Posted by snytiger6
LINKNew Zealand report finds 200,000 abuse victims in care of state, faith-based groups -- Friendly Atheist
1 comment
News & Links
1 day ago1d

Posted by snytiger6
LINKNew Zealand report finds 200,000 abuse victims in care of state, faith-based groups -- Friendly Atheist
News & Links
1 day ago1d

Posted by Aaron70
This story will be on FOX tonight!!! 🤠
1 comment
News & Links
1 day ago1d

Posted by 1patriot
European people were enslaved in America, Christians rarely ever got involved in slavery. The Y i d among Christian nations were trading people. When Britain abolshed slavery i.e. outlawed the traders that make up many of the bankers now and cotton ...
News & Links
1 day ago1d

Posted by 1patriot
Jared Bridgeman writes: It's very true did my research on Google website myself (I know, a bold move to do lol) back in 2020 when the pandemic first came out worldwide. They said that any website that is known for "false information" may not be ...
News & Links
2 days ago2d

Posted by 1patriot
N.Y. Attorney General Letitia James accused of violating 1st Amendment by targeting Trump 'No interpretation of state law authorizes her to engage in politicized prosecutions'
News & Links
2 days ago2d

Posted by Ryo1
Serves her right. Video of Charlotte Dujardin whipping horse (24 times!) shown live on Good Morning Britain Charlotte Dujardin withdrew from the Olympics on the eve of the event because of a video showing mistreatment of a horse A video of ...
News & Links
2 days ago2d

Posted by 1patriot
You might want to check out this wording for ALL hazards and risks during a pandemic... If you want to keep the NZ Bill of Rights and your rights in general, I suggest you start paying attention to how they are planning to undermine ...
News & Links
2 days ago2d

Posted by Aaron70
Now we just need a few cat 5’s before November!!?!!🙏🇺🇸😇
News & Links
3 days ago3d

Posted by snytiger6
LINKA Southern Baptist leader praised Biden's "selfless" act. Now he's out of a job. -- Freiendly Atheist
News & Links
3 days ago3d

Posted by snytiger6
LINKTennessee district owes over $15,000 after illegally thwarting After School Satan Club -- Friendly Atheist
News & Links
3 days ago3d

Posted by snytiger6
LINKA Southern Baptist leader praised Biden's "selfless" act. Now he's out of a job. -- Friendly Atheist
News & Links
3 days ago3d

Posted by snytiger6
LINKDo Not Answer the Phone from Unknown Numbers -- AARP
News & Links
3 days ago3d

Posted by Flyingsaucesir
America's founding fathers knew how to confer immunity on federal officers. They did it with the "speech and debate" clause of the Constitution. But that immunity is very limited, and applies only to members of Congress. The founders very pointedly ...
1 comment
News & Links
3 days ago3d

Posted by Aaron70
I certainly hope they lock him up and throw away the key!! 😡
News & Links
3 days ago3d

Posted by Aaron70
A Max 8, what were the chances!? 👀
News & Links
3 days ago3d

Posted by Aaron70
Whatta bunch of crybabies!!?!!🤠
News & Links
3 days ago3d

Posted by Aaron70
Interesting perspective!? 🤔
News & Links
3 days ago3d

Posted by 1patriot
The director of SS just said they have none of the audio communications from that day. They would confirm or disprove the timeline. Which she doesn’t know either. She also can’t tell us how many bullet casings were recovered. How is that ...
News & Links
3 days ago3d

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKProject 2025 Plan for Trump Presidency Has Far-Reaching Threats to Science | Scientific American
News & Links
4 days ago4d

Posted by 1patriot
NEW: European Court of Justice rules that EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen has violated European law by keeping the mRNA injection contracts excessively secret.
1 comment
News & Links
5 days ago5d

Posted by pamagain
Biden just announces....he won't run. we go!
News & Links
5 days ago5d

Posted by snytiger6
LINKNo significant risk of birth defects after pregnant women got COVID vaccine in 1st trimester: Study -- ABC News
News & Links
5 days ago5d

Posted by 1patriot
"Apocalyptic 150F heat dome smashes temperature records as the world bakes" (from MSN). "Heat dome settles over West Coast with 112F temps creating deadly conditions for 10 million and sparking wildfire fears" (The ...
News & Links
5 days ago5d

Posted by Aaron70
I didn’t realize the bigoted ass had a transgender daughter…..👀
1 comment
News & Links
6 days ago6d

Posted by 1patriot
Polish MEP Ewa Zajaczkowska destroys European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen--- Polish MEP Ewa Zajaczkowska destroys European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen telling her she belongs in PRISON. “You are ...
News & Links
6 days ago6d

Posted by Aaron70
The reality these nutters fail to accept is that posting the commandments will have ZERO positive effects on the student body because: A: Good hearted people with empathy already know instinctively the difference between good and wicked behavior. B:...
News & Links
5 days ago5d

Posted by 1patriot
With evidence of this kind available, you'd think heads would be rolling by now: Instead all of their JUST-US system's energies are focused on Covering it up! still they only cover what they want you to see!
1 comment
News & Links
5 days ago5d

Posted by 1patriot
‘The FBI Set Everything Up… They Wrote the Script – and WHITMER WAS IN ON IT!’ — Victim in Alleged FBI Plot to Kidnap Michigan Democrat Gov. Whitmer Breaks Silence in Must-See Interview!
News & Links
6 days ago6d

Posted by Aaron70
My younger brother did around 7 years for a similar crime.
News & Links
6 days ago6d

Posted by 1patriot
"The Deep State Mafia is running both political parties" Journalist Whitney Webb reveals | Redacted many people don't want to hear it! Journalist Whitney Webb investigates why Palantir Co-Founder Peter Thiel is donating millions of ...
News & Links
6 days ago6d

Posted by 1patriot
"The Deep State Mafia is running both political parties" Journalist Whitney Webb reveals | Redacted many people don't want to hear it! Journalist Whitney Webb investigates why Palantir Co-Founder Peter Thiel is donating millions of ...
News & Links
6 days ago6d

Posted by pedigojr
A screening of a broadcast: "OUTFOXED: RUPERT MURDOCH'S WAR ON JOURNALISM" is slated for this evening and I’ve signed up. The issue is about the FCC question whether to renew Faux Noise to be able to continue to broadcast it’s bevy of lies which,...
1 comment
News & Links
6 days ago6d

Posted by 1patriot
Historically, government assassinations are often carried out with a patsy to take the fall and a professional, or team of professionals, to execute the target. This ensures success and gives the appearance that there was no ...
News & Links
6 days ago6d

Posted by snytiger6
LINKTen Commandments posters in Louisiana delayed as court weighs case -- The Hill
News & Links
6 days ago6d

Posted by Aaron70
They sure hate letting innocent people out…..😒
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by 1patriot
REPORT: 34% of Biden voters think Donald Trump staged his own assasination attempt according to a new Morning Consult poll. The poll also proves that 34% of Democrats need to get their head checked. The poll suggests that over 1/3 of Democratic ...
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by captfeelgood
NIce... The 8th circuit court just blocked Joe's SAVE student loan plan. There's hope for this country yet. 😊
1 comment
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by Aaron70
We can only hope he gets justice in prison…..😒
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by 1patriot
Leaked Secret Service Video Proves Trump Assassination Attempt Was Inside Job are you cheering for the deep state are your eyes open?
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by snytiger6
LINKFormer Southern Baptist leader accused of sexual assault: At least it wasn't "adultery" -- Friendly Atheist
1 comment
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKA Summer Covid-19 Wave A brief update and your top questions answered
1 comment
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by HippieChick58
A Summer Covid-19 Wave A brief update and your top questions answered by KATELYN JETELINA JUL 18, 2024 I’m briefly coming out from hiding (a.k.a. summer break) to bring you a Covid-19 update. It seems like everyone has it right now (including the...
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by 1patriot
With out a doubt they are spraying the shit out of us!
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by Aaron70
I reckon they’ll just wipe them out…..🤔
1 comment
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1 week ago1w

Posted by captfeelgood
I'm surprised he didn't do this long ago. Newsom just couldn't take a hint and now he's losing another HUGE corporation, all those jobs and all those tax dollars. Good for Elon, and congrats to Texas. I wish he had moved it all here. 😏
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by captfeelgood
I'm surprised he didn't do this long ago. Newsom just couldn't take a hint and now he's losing another HUGE corporation, all those jobs and all those tax dollars. Good for Elon, and congrats to Texas. I wish he had moved it all here. ...
1 comment
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by Flyingsaucesir
I didn't post this link under the heading "Politics" because the refusal to accept the legitimate results of an election is beyond politics. It's the prelude to an authoritarian takeover (one that, according to the Heritage Foundation's president, ...
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by 1patriot
🚨🇺🇸🇮🇷IRANIAN PLOT TO ASSASSINATE TRUMP UNCOVERED US authorities have previously obtained intelligence on an Iranian plot to assassinate Trump, prompting the Secret Service to increase security around the former president. The ...
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKHunting for AI bots? These four words could do the trick
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by snytiger6
LINKCalifornia law bans 'forced outing' parental notice policies when a student switches pronouns -- NBC News
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by snytiger6
LINKFBI, DHS warn of possible 'follow-on or retaliatory' attacks in wake of Trump assassination attempt -- ABC News
1 comment
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1 week ago1w

Posted by snytiger6
LINKKentucky church shuts down after pastor charged with child sex abuse -- Friendly Atheist
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by MyTVC15
Gawd doesn't even intervene right. Stupid imaginary being.
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by 1patriot
"BlackRock's Next Plans Will SHOCK THE WORLD" - Whitney Webb's LATEST LARRY FINK EXPOSE
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by captfeelgood
As usual, Sam nails it. How he's so patient with Don is amazing.
1 comment
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1 week ago1w

Posted by 1patriot
For all those claiming Psyops don't exist..
1 comment
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1 week ago1w

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKProject 2025 - Americans United
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1 week ago1w

Posted by Aaron70
Guy was killing a couple people a month and dumping them in a quarry 100 meters from his house. How does this go undetected for 2 years….🤔
1 comment
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by snytiger6
LINKOklahoma superintendent rejects Bibles in school despite Ryan Walters' demands -- Friendly Atheist
1 comment
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by 1patriot
Are you seeing their bullshit lies?
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by snytiger6
LINKAOC Wants to Impeach SCOTUS Justices Thomas and Alito – Mother Jones
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by snytiger6
LINKWhat Project 2025 would mean for the fight against climate change -- The Hill
1 comment
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1 week ago1w

Posted by snytiger6
LINKSTD diagnoses jumped in recent years, especially among seniors -- The Hill
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by snytiger6
LINKDemocrats to IRS: Investigate right-wing groups that pretend to be "churches" -- Friendly Atheist
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by Julie808
There was a helicopter crash straight into the ocean off the coast of Kauai yesterday. Of the 3 people who were aboard, one was found dead, and the other two are still missing. I'm going to guess also dead by now. A search crew is still searching ...
News & Links
1 week ago1w

Posted by Flyingsaucesir
Trump says he knows nothing about the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025. Then what is he talking about here? (See the video clip)
1 comment
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1 week ago1w

Posted by Flyingsaucesir
I'll take the cool old guy 😎 over the pants-on-fire liar 🔥 every day of the week.
1 comment
News & Links
2 weeks ago2w

Posted by Flyingsaucesir
"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." -- Maya Angelou After his 2020 election loss, Trump filed 62 lawsuits challenging the results. But he could not provide any evidence to support his claims. There were many ballot ...
News & Links
2 weeks ago2w

Posted by Aaron70
If they haven’t a clue by now, I don’t reckon they’re gonna….👀
News & Links
2 weeks ago2w

Posted by HippieChick58
LINKTrying To Carjack The US Marshals Guarding Sonia Sotomayor Was A Bad Choice
News & Links
2 weeks ago2w

Posted by 1patriot
JustinTrudeau for announcing an additional assistance package to Ukraine worth CAD 500 million. This will strengthen our heroes on the battlefield. Today, together with Canada’s Prime Minister, we discussed Ukraine's defense needs and coordinated ...
News & Links
2 weeks ago2w

Posted by 1patriot
Must-See Clash: Hawley EXPOSES McKinsey's Hidden China Deals and Opioid Crisis Uncovered Must-See Clash: Hawley EXPOSES McKinsey's Hidden China Deals and Opioid Crisis Uncovered democrats dirty deals with China
News & Links
2 weeks ago2w

Posted by snytiger6
LINKScientists Sound the Alarm Amid 13 Consecutive Months of Record-Breaking Heat | Truthout
News & Links
2 weeks ago2w

Posted by 1patriot
Bird Flu Summit in the regal Pentagon City, DC What you need to know... More background: A family and (former) emergency room physician in British Columbia who is the subject of disciplinary proceedings before the College of...