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LINK Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles settles sex abuse cases for $880 million -- Friendly Atheist

It's been called the "largest single child sex abuse settlement" an Archdiocese has ever made

Oct 18, 2024

In a decision that’s been called the “largest single child sex abuse settlement with a Catholic archdiocese” so far, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has agreed to pay out over $880 million to 1,353 survivors of the Catholic Church.

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snytiger6 9 Oct 18

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Did you read some of the facts of the cases? One priest started raping two brothers when they were 5 and 7 and continued for a decade. He raped up to 23 children. He told his bishop who sent him for therapy and then he was back at it. This is the last of many payments now totaling over $1.5 billion.


So all they have to do is use the money given to them in tithes and donations to pay off their victims. Now we as a society are supposed to believe it has been settled and the Catholic Church can now go back to it's old position as a positive force in our social norms. Imagine if authorities discovered that employees at Disney were systematically raping children, had built an infrastructure to protect the rapists, that it had been going on since Disney started the company and that he knew and approved of the whole project. Would paying off some of it's victims be enough to remove the moral stain produced? Would it be able to act as if everything is fine now?

What the Catholic Church (and it's Christian offspring) have been doing is worse and it's been going on for centuries and western institutions don't have the moral fortitude to dismantle it.


Amazing how much money the churches have. If only their followers understood a lot of their 'tithes' goes to pay for priests molesting their children. Maybe they should ask if these clergy people also go to heaven which is full of kids to molest. Similar to the Muslem heaven full of virgins to have sex with.

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