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Is this site all fucked up or is just my computer on this site?

1patriot 8 Oct 20

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It's a little fucked up. You're level 8, look at Community Senate and post these sorts of queries there. Even those who have blocked you may see it I believe in that group. There has been glitches happening due to a lack of oversight is the main reasoning. @Admin has gone walkabout.

puff Level 8 Oct 20, 2024

well they deleted Slug with out any notice and it was a great site!

@1patriot Never even knew there was a site called that. I thought the only sister site was called humanist or something, never went there.

@puff it am getting the humanist coming up as unsafe your exposing your self to hacking. on my computer! so staying away a great site here uin Canada is for canadian/american content.

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