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LINK Churches took over a Cookeville, TN Christmas parade. Then came the chaos. -- Friendly Atheist

The parade application now includes an anti-LGBTQ "Statement of Faith"

Oct 19, 2024

The 2024 Cookeville-Putnam County Christmas Parade in Tennessee is going to be a huge event. Huge enough that the local PBS affiliate will carry the parade live on December 14 because, as one of its leaders previously explained, it’s “one of the community’s most beloved traditions.”

(Follow above article link to read entire article...)

snytiger6 9 Oct 19

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Leave it to the xtians to screw up Xmas. Honestly, they could fuck up a wet dream.

As a child I loved the story of Santa and all the presents, and I always thought that bringing religion into Christmas celebrations ruined Christmas. Of course I was too young to realize the religious significance of the holiday. Still, I remember I thought religion spoiled an otherwise fun holiday.

Stay away from christians. They will turn you into a grumpy man. 😉


Perhaps the local Pastafarians should organise a parade for April 1, 2025, complete with a boiling cauldron and a collection of Holy Colanders.


I hope that parade only has one entry this year and nobody shows up to watch...


I have no other words, just that it's a typical display of the good ole Christian love (not).. As Betty Browers would say, bigotry dressed up in Christian drag.. And I agree that public television has no business promoting that bigotry, by broadcasting it..

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