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LINK California sues Catholic hospital for not providing emergency care to woman in peril -- Friendly Atheist

Anna Nusslock needed a life-saving abortion. A Catholic hospital gave her a bucket and towels and told her to drive elsewhere.

Oct 03, 2024

California’s Attorney General Rob Bonta is suing a Catholic hospital, saying they denied a woman emergency medical care because, in their view, it violated their religious beliefs. A state law requires all hospitals to help patients in those situations.

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snytiger6 9 Oct 16

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There was a similar thing happen some years ago to a woman at a Catholic run hospital north of Seattle. She ended up in an emergency run in an ambulance to a Seattle hospital that would treat her. I was so pissed and I put it out of my mind, I do not remember the out come and I am not going to look it up.
This crap over a woman's health and rights being controlled primarily by men who have no clue is what I have pushed to the back of my consciousness seems like my whole life. Don't even get me started on the women who should know better but support the men and really think they know best.


I don’t know why anyone would expect anything different from these ghouls. They have such a horrendous history of abuse, this is nothing compared to all the trauma and deaths they have caused.


Perfect example of our current politics of "owning the libs" in action. Nobody has enough sense to understand women's heathcare. This woman was denied her healthcare. Catholics seem to think we should "replenish the earth" and do not like birth control pills or condoms. if the sperm and the egg shake hands it is not instantly a child, and if men did not control this we could come upon a time when you could get jail time for jerking off. Face it. This is all about controlling a woman's body.

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