3 7

Or, don't have a spouse and buy whatever color you want.

Duke 8 Aug 18
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Or learn how to play that thing instead of just THINKING you can.

Mooolah Level 8 Aug 18, 2018

See my comments below to @KKGator.


WTF is wrong with some people? Buying a guitar is a helluva lot better than
shoving money up a stripper's ass, or other things that are A LOT worse.

I will never understand why some people feel the need to shit all over the things
that make their partners happy. Especially when they KNEW going in that there
were certain things that their partners had an affinity for.

I'd rather my partner buys a new guitar if it makes him happy.
He'd be much more likely to be playing it at home.
Or making a buck doing something he loves.

KKGator Level 9 Aug 18, 2018

Well, I'll admit though that some of us do get carried away with it. I'm a prime example. I lost count but, I think I'm somewhere around 35 guitars now

@Duke You are a musician.

@KKGator if you use the term loosely.

@Duke I've heard you play, remember? The whole being "humble" thing is nice, but you're good. Own that.

@KKGator I admit to being a singer. I play just enough guitar to be able to accompany myself.

@Duke Fine, you win. Go buy another guitar and practice. 😉


Agreed. Lol.

MrChange Level 7 Aug 18, 2018

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