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The news has reached across the pond.
racocn8 comments on Jan 28, 2023:
The value of having zero-compassion comes from the racist drug war. Racist Christians cannot see Blacks as human lest they also come to be accepted as equals. To keep them 'in their place', cruel drug laws get the support of the Evangelicals, at least until they find themselves targeted by police (Rush Limbaugh comes to mind). Biden could do a lot to address all that, but so far, as little as possible, campaign promises be damned.
Asteroid 2023 BU: Space rock passes closer than some satellites []
racocn8 comments on Jan 28, 2023:
And precisely why did they not attempt to intercept this rock? It costs $10,000 per pound to lift material into space and capturing this asteroid could have provided material for shielding, material experimentation, and discovery of its composition. I wonder why they wasted this opportunity?
Physicists Prove You Can Make Something out of Nothing by Simulating Cosmic Physics
racocn8 comments on Jan 28, 2023:
Presumably a very high electromagnetic field approaches the condition of electromagnetic photons which are known to generate physical particles out of the virtual particle that swarm with some probability. That is how cosmic rays generate particle jets as they fly in from space. The article describes the 'particle-generation' as actually being a simulation where holes in the graphene charge lattice appear. High voltage effects may also generate gravitational or ant-gravitational effects, and that claim seems less far-fetched after reading this.
‘There Is a Real Sense That the Apocalypse Is Coming’ - POLITICO
racocn8 comments on Jan 28, 2023:
Nazi-like Christians have always been a major share of Christianity, and because they aren't bound by any scruples, wield an outsize influence on the rest of the Christians. Non-believers should redouble their efforts to stop politicking from the pulpit and harshly penalize those that do. Just addressing the widespread corruption would have the double benefit of removing malign actors and exposing their hypocrisy.
Christians are now a minority in England []
racocn8 comments on Jan 28, 2023:
Congratulations are in order. May the yoke slip off completely...
Tyre Nichols death: Law enforcement group 'infuriated' by alleged assault during traffic stop | ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 28, 2023:
There's got to be more going on here. The Scorpion Unit was not tasked with traffic stops, so stopping Nichol's was outside their purview. Memphis created the Scorpion Unit to address an increase in murders, but no one has said WHY the murders were happening, Number one on the list SHOULD (as always) be to transition the Drug War into a community health issue, and if that means legalizing hard drugs, so be it. The police cannot be used to address victimless crime. By enforcing that as a matter of bullying, bullying becomes the SOP. Meanwhile, those who are addicted to drugs are discouraged from getting help with their problem, and turn to crime to pay for their habit. That cycle CAN BE STOPPED.
Oooooh boy.
racocn8 comments on Jan 27, 2023:
My suspicion is that two or more of these officers had a beef with Tyre before 'stopping' him. (Just as Chauvin knew Floyd before killing him).
Inquiring minds want to know, front, back or both?
racocn8 comments on Jan 27, 2023:
Disturbing on multiple levels...
More gleeful news. A restaurant in Richmond Virginia refused service to a Christian group. []
racocn8 comments on Jan 27, 2023:
Good for the staff for making that decision. I remember how Christians would publish their own Christian-only business directories and set them out so everyone could understand that they sought to exclude the rest of society.
David DePape breaking into Pelosi home captured on US Capitol Police surveillance footage | Fox News
racocn8 comments on Jan 27, 2023:
His willingness to attack Pelosi in front of police, and all the rest of his reported behavior suggest that he is a psychopath, and it would be unfortunate if he escaped criminal punishment with an insanity plea. He should be straight-jacketed forever, or euthanized.
David DePape breaking into Pelosi home captured on US Capitol Police surveillance footage | Fox News
racocn8 comments on Jan 27, 2023:
I hear that she shudders everytime she passes a plastic recycling center.
racocn8 comments on Jan 27, 2023:
Damn, I thought it was Nosferatu.
Today, January 27th, is International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
racocn8 comments on Jan 27, 2023:
Nazis were Catholics and Lutherans showing the true colors of their beliefs.
Letters From An American 01/26/2023
racocn8 comments on Jan 27, 2023:
I'm still waiting for the class action suit against Barr for illegally transporting and deploying resources from DEA, DHS, NPS etc for Portland and Lafayette Park. These traitors need a wall...
If the Atlanta protests are acts of terrorism, then the January 6 protesters are extremely violent ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 27, 2023:
Good luck finding a jury that agrees with that position. Especially when much of the destruction comes from White Nationalists trying to make the protesters look bad.
First Baptist Church in Florida to force members to sign anti-LGBTQ contract
racocn8 comments on Jan 27, 2023:
I remember having to sign a card signifying my belief in Christianity in order to get a membership at the YMCA. I still resent being forced to do that. Maybe I'm a hypocrite to have signed it. But given how Christians have repeatedly murdered thousands for not being the right skin color or religion or sex, I do not consider them to have any moral standing. Even on this day that remembers what Christians did at Auschwitz, I still denounce all Christians as subhuman and entirely deserving of the horrors they inflicted on others. There is my real hypocrisy.
Is this true? Anybody?
racocn8 comments on Jan 27, 2023:
I had a muscular blue nose pit bull and we'd sometimes call her tank girl...
Who is covering for them? 👉Republicans👈
racocn8 comments on Jan 26, 2023:
Around 1985, I attended a meeting which included a video conference with the CEO of Arco (Lod Cook). After the presentation, he opened the meeting up for questions, and fielded several of them. Then I asked what he thought would happen if Global Warming became apparent. At first, he blustered and muttered that it wasn't clear Global Warming was happening. I then clarified my question saying that I was asking what HE thought would happen. He calmed down and then answered saying that the Human race would have to learn to live with it, and that no other viable alternatives were foreseeable. That seemed like an honest response. Of course, it left unsaid whether such changes would be survivable for the species as a whole.
5 ex-Memphis cops involved in Tyre Nichols' death charged with second-degree murder
racocn8 comments on Jan 26, 2023:
When I had a snake and put a mouse in the cage, the snake would go into a highly excited state, sometimes striking at anything that moved. Sadly, humans aren't that much better than snakes. We've seen repeatedly that when police officers are frustrated in a police chase, they enter an excited state that blanks out training in favor of doing whatever the group is doing; they pile on and protocols to de-escalate are gone. If you have one sane cop left in the bunch with the presence of mind to restrain his co-workers, you're very lucky.
The spin simply did not make sense.
racocn8 comments on Jan 26, 2023:
The DOJ could have sought a search warrant for Biden's property, but they have the same problem as with Trump's many properties: they need probable cause. It is thought that Mar A Lago got searched because someone on the inside saw the documents and was interviewed by the FBI. So, the DOJ can say they wanted to obtain a search warrant, but that would have been very problematic. (Especially as they have foregone searching Trump's many properties, even though they know he still has some documents.)
What do you call a fish without eyes?
racocn8 comments on Jan 26, 2023:
Christian. (Indeed, what Christians aren't bottom feeders?)
Another Christian Groomer A youth pastor from the Church of God of South Hopewell, Virginia who ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 26, 2023:
My guess is that the sexual inhibition and other confusing (absurd) values foster a disregard for the welfare of others. Embracing religion often means embracing a megalomania where harming others has no priority when compared to satisfying the ego; bullying or browbeating a child into traumatic acts comes 'naturally'!!
How Should We Combat COVID Misinformation On Agnostic?
racocn8 comments on Jan 26, 2023:
If the group was being moderated, yes, information that could lead to people dying should be taken down. Shedding lies and dishonesty is what being agnostic is all about, but it is always a partial process. In the Information Age, how to enforce truth within the public square has become one of the fundamental questions of our time. Arguing with these people seems to be pointless. Being part of the cult seems to involve promoting these lies regardless of their consequences or their absurdity.
A previously additive that got a bad rap is restoring its negative image (believe it or not it was ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 25, 2023:
I can't comment as to the utility of MSG as a flavoring. I can tell you that I got a reaction to MSG twice at the same Chinese restaurant. Shortly after eating the dish, I felt a burning in my spine and brain stem. It was certainly uncomfortable and concerning, but faded within 20 minutes. I'd say more research is needed...
What are you going to do?
racocn8 comments on Jan 25, 2023:
Offer to pay for an abortion...
Thoughts at 3 AM
racocn8 comments on Jan 24, 2023:
When you let the other person talk, you are letting them express their love (for themselves).
Construction can be tricky or an art project
racocn8 comments on Jan 24, 2023:
Nice texturing job...
And so it goes.
racocn8 comments on Jan 23, 2023:
This is an old ploy, to go to a business space and behave in an obnoxious and offensive manner. It is a shame the restaurant cannot sue the creep for malicious restraint of trade or something. They should have just called the police and let them do what they do best...(!)
Electric induction stoves are cleaner, safer, more efficient, better for the environment, and better...
racocn8 comments on Jan 23, 2023:
I had not idea they were that bad. Gas is often stored underground and withdrawn as needed. It gets scrubbed, but it can still convey hazardous components. The NOx generation was surprising, and I'm curious what the connection could be with allergy or whatever is sensitizing the lungs. The chemical NO can act as a neurotransmitter. Google: "Nitric oxide (NO) works as a retrograde neurotransmitter in synapses, allows the brain blood flow and also has important roles in intracellular signaling in neurons from the regulation of the neuronal metabolic status to the dendritic spine growth." and from: •Nitric oxide works in neuro-transmission, immune response, and vessel control. •Physiological effects of nitric oxide are direct or indirect by S-nitrosylation. •Pathological effects of nitric oxide are due to protein nitrotyrosination.* •Nitrotyrosination is critical in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease onset. * Tyrosine is an amino acid in proteins
Another of Trumpty Dumpty's insurrectionists looks likely to be thrown into the slammer: []
racocn8 comments on Jan 23, 2023:
Betcha he doesn't get the 20 years stipulated by the Constitution.
We knew it was bad, but seeing it like this is just staggering MASS KILLING DATABASE REVEALING ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 23, 2023:
The shootings benefit the GQP (by helping fund-raising, corralling the faithful and usually killing the opposition). So, the GQP secretly applaud what the rest of us view with disgust and revulsion.
Remember this tv series.
racocn8 comments on Jan 23, 2023:
48 Stars on the flag. Oh yeah....
Utah Plastic Surgeon Among 4 Charged in Alleged COVID Vaccine Card Scheme
racocn8 comments on Jan 23, 2023:
Their scam almost certainly caused more people to die. That's negligent homicide at minimum.
Relationships What are your views on remaining in contact with ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 23, 2023:
If you value the new relationship, minimize or end communication with the Ex.
GOP Rep. Calls for Educating Marjorie Taylor Greene About Conspiracies -- Newsweek
racocn8 comments on Jan 23, 2023:
Not only are they not redeemable - - there is nothing to redeem. (Except maybe an organ donation shell).
Looks like Jon Lovitz with a dead rat on his head and Malaria
racocn8 comments on Jan 23, 2023:
(Yeah, terrible portrait of Trump. Burn it.)
What the George Santos drag queen denial reveals about the Republican Party - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Jan 23, 2023:
Hilarious: "Appearing as a drag queen was the one thing that could have made Santos seem 'cool'..."
Rev up your engine!
racocn8 comments on Jan 23, 2023:
RRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-RRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrr----- Pt-tou-Pt-tou-Pt-tou-Pt-tou-Pt-tou-Pt-tou-
Hannity confession: See smoking gun evidence as Fox chief Murdoch forced under oath - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Jan 23, 2023:
Fox is absolutely at the center of the treasonous attempt to stage a coup. It is treasonous because Fox talking points come from the GRU. Fox is RT in disguise. But all of that is OK because the Deep State approves. But don't ask me why. (Maybe Putin won that pot?)
Canada settles residential schools lawsuit for $2.8bn []
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2023:
We will never see that in the US. People are proud to be cruel here.
Margaret Thatcher Out For A Meal With Her Cabinet Lol - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2023:
Thatcher, a chemist, actually came and visited my lab. I didn't meet her.
What is a "Christian Country"?
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2023:
I'm astounded at the arguments advanced. How could Christianity have promulgated Western progressive ideas and technology now when it suppressed such values for the previous thousand years. And as we look at those values in the West that still endorse bigotry in all its forms, essentially all of that comes from Christian know-nothings. Secularism or Humanist attitudes do NOT derive from Christianity, and such non-believers are the ones that actively oppose Christian tyranny. Understanding this, one can see the claim of a Christian country as dishonest propaganda. The lie comes from the Christian quarters who are desperate to retain their power and the public narrative. A Christian country would be a theocracy whose laws come from Christian values. While many laws do reflect Christian beliefs, people recognize that the laws that align with Humanism provide much fairer, more honorable treatment of fellow citizens (pro-woman, pro-LBGTQ, pro-minority, pro-science). And, those laws that promote cruel, inhumane treatment draw support from Christians. Indeed, Christians are rapidly losing their purchase on the public narrative as Christianity is revealed to be intolerant and hateful.
Soooo, scheduled for shoulder replacement surgery the 14th of Feb.
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2023:
Good luck and I hope a speedy recovery. I get a hip replacement next month. Ugh...
My housemate drew a portrait of me as a parting gift, and it's one of the best gifts I've received ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2023:
Nicely done!!
Natural Remedies with Herbs Anise Romans paid taxes with anise, and it was used in cough drops.
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2023:
On the sleep aid, I thought anise was stimulating... Google shows Star Anise as being good for sleep. Nothing about anise being stimulating, though...
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2023:
It is torment to watch. Again: The notion that all people should vote is the lie of Democracy. As is all too clear, a major share of the electorate have neither the cognitive capacity nor the moral virtues needed to select suitable candidates for public service. Thus, Democracy will continue to stumble and fail.
Old cures for toothache if your game or desperate I am so grateful for modern dental care, and ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2023:
Do NOT chew seeds from Jimson Weed. A new and very effective remedy is cannabis or hemp extract oil... Many components act either as anesthetic and anti-bacterial.
Sign of the times...
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2023:
I hope he's got a pre-nuptial...
22nd January 1879…Battle of Rorke’s Drift, South Africa: British garrison of 150 holds off ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2023:
And even this is not the ugliest face of colonialism... (Poltroons? Maybe murdering stooges is more like it)
I found this article interesting and, in particular, this: "While some people do in fact pronounce ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2023:
Language evolves. I used to get upset about it until I listened to a course on the English language. And while listening to other courses, the professors would pronounce words in way that were completely unfamiliar, sometimes even unrecognizable at first. How could they get it wrong? Is it wrong?
Sunday morning cuteness
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2023:
CAT WASHING 1. Thoroughly clean the toilet. 2. Add the required amount of shampoo to the toilet water, and have both lids lifted.3. Obtain the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom.4. In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close both lids (you may need to stand on the lid so that he cannot escape). CAUTION: Do not get any part of your body too close to the edge, as his paws will be reaching out for any purchase they can find. 5. Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a "powerwash and rinse" which I have found to be quite effective. 6. Have someone open the door to the outside and ensure that there are no people between the toilet and the outside door. 7. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift both lids. 8. The now-clean cat will rocket out of the toilet, and run outside where he will dry himself. Sincerely, The DOG
Winchcombe meteorite: Is this the UK's most important fireball? []
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2023:
The similar water ratio is remarkable. (or is it coincidence?)
Letters From An American 01/21/2023
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2023:
The notion that all people should vote is the lie of Democracy. As is all too clear, a major share of the electorate have neither the cognitive capacity nor the moral virtues needed to select suitable candidates for public service. Thus, Democracy will continue to stumble and fail.
A penguin walks into a bar.
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2023:
I knew a lot of people that hated those surprise tests.
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2023:
But getting amp'd up on nicotine is OK. And for sure, being a psychotic Christian who doesn't believe in science also gets a complete pass. (I remember visiting HR and as I waited for the lady to show up, I notice in her bookcase that she had brought a small collection of children's books used to indoctrinate toddlers into Christianity. The idea of brainwashing children at such a young age stank of child abuse. Why she had them at work? That level of self-doubt and insecurity screams PTSD.)
Wake up, it's the weekend!!!!
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2023:
Wiki: Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as sexism, and has also been used as shorthand for American Left ideas involving identity politics and social justice... Webster: Woke: aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice) Christian bigots have responded to Woke with lies and disinformation because they see the concept of Woke as accurately conveying their immorality. Extract from wingnut screed: The goal of these theorists is to completely dismantle a culture and reinvent it from the ground up. This radical philosophy crept into our academic institutions in the 1980s. And an excerpt from a thoughtful analysis: " anti-woke discourse always emphasizes the ideological basis of the social justice movement without being vocal about anti-wokists’ own ideological standing,...." I liked this: "“Abnormalization” and Delegitimization of Social Justice : ...government and ruling party are engaged in an ongoing smear campaign against human rights defenders, whom they frequently describe as “Soros agents” who undermine national security... Not only do they consign human rights defenders to the group of constructed enemies, but they also “abnormalize” and completely distort the moral valence of their work. "
The five hardest hits from a judge’s scathing ruling against former President Trump  | The Hill
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2023:
It is all masturbation until behavior-changing consequences are levied. The lawyers should be stripped of their licenses.
Just sayin', George Santos is a thief and a kook and should probably do some time for larceny but he...
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2023:
Have you ever heard of a Republican being redeemed?
Just to get a few facts out there.
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2023:
Obeisance and fealty are the whole point. Offering up one's mind is the psychic equivalent of falling on one's sword. One enacts suicide of rationality to be God's slave. Or... It is the initiation into the Liar's Club of all time, starting with lying to oneself. Or... It is the ritual of joining the hive mind of the colony organism based on the Christian meme-complex...
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2023:
Given Baldwin being virulently hated by Trump, I can't help wondering if he was set up.
I saw a picture of some tail I used to work with on the internet, then I saw they had had some work ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2023:
What, no alien reproduction vehicles or TR3Bs?
Surprised it doesn't say Florida man...
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2023:
Just your average southern white gentleman...
No refunds, No returns, No exchanges CASH ONLY
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2023:
Good for fake fire...
I ordered my tomato and bell pepper seeds yesterday... its garden season already!
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2023:
I planted a bunch of grass seed before all the rainstorms and already the bare spots are showing bright green...
So you can't even trust them with a vacuum cleaner? :-D
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2023:
"... and it was consensual..."
I call it being human and having compassion for my fellow humans.
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2023:
A security guard hustled a man out of the mall who was wearing a t-shirt. The t-shirt said "Jesus is the ONLY way" and below it, the "COEXIST" in symbols with a line through it. Meaning that the guy endorsed intolerance. This was in a context of complaining that the cop was too woke. I see no problem with telling haters they aren't welcome.
Idaho's 'faith-healing' exemption has led to more senseless child deaths
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2023:
And better yet, take the rest of their children away too.
A very Sad day! After 7 years of medical training & hard work, a very good friend of mine has been ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2023:
"...But it was consensual..."
What's his real name? And where did he get all that money?
racocn8 comments on Jan 18, 2023:
Given his connection to trump and the Russian oligarch, Santos is another Putin stooge, bought and paid for. Yet another traitor for Putin, fitting right into the Republican (Russian) Party. I guess all our so-called intelligence agencies are OK with this. Where the hell is the FBI? Oh yeah, Putin owns that too.
Pentagon is struggling to explain more than 170 fresh UFO reports, new document reveals ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 18, 2023:
Pro and anti-disclosure factions within the military-industrial intelligence complex have begun competing to direct policy and the public conversation. While the latest report supports the anti-disclosure position, the report is hedged in that while many reports could be given explanations, the remainder could NOT be explained. The claim that foreign actors are using drones to collect military intelligence is just as unfounded as the claim that UFOs are alien. The objects sighted at sea and by pilots display flight characteristics far exceeding drones. Notably, these new reports are coming from service personnel, either on military bases, near ships or at military training ranges. The point being that intelligence relating to the military is being gathered, and the frequency of this activity has increased significantly. It is not at all clear why aliens would have an interest in the military other than to ensure the capacity to disable them. Also note that the Chinese have observed these same UAP and have their own programs to collect information. For the moment, the anti-disclosure faction seems to be in control, so the Pentagon has refused to release any more videos (and there are many) nor detailed photos. However, the publicity has motivated angels to fund scientific research using state-of-the-art sensors and instrumentation. This new research may finally provide the kind of documentation the military is so cowardly in withholding. Most critically, the Pentagon is brazenly LYING when they say they don't know what these are. They know damn well what they are. Their denials should be taken for what it is - - sedition against their own country for corruption's-sake. Gee, where have we run into that before?
This is a bit out there, but does anyone else here think there might be a slight possibility that ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 18, 2023:
I would put that probability as being more that 5% - - totally possible. I'd say that they'd have to have come up with classified documents that Biden could have handled. If they aren't, it would be completely suspicious. Unfortunately, it is likely that many of the findings of the investigations will not be revealed. It is certainly improbable that the Biden case Federalist prosecutor can be trusted to be honest.
Who the hell leaked this very confidential information?!
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2023:
Aim envy?
The difference should be obvious.
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2023:
Just a slight difference between carelessness and espionage.
No one can make this stuff up.
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2023:
The need to show and prove loyalty becomes maniacal. One only needs to have a malign actor in position of authority to point the true-believers in the wrong direction.
Hmmm looky there.
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2023:
TMI. Paint those partitions.
What the fking hell are they talking about?
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2023:
I recently met a guy at a hotel and he was telling me how the Grand Canyon proved Genesis. Given his age, I figured I'd forgo getting into it with him. Such people are devoted to their stupidity. Still, how does one fight the culture war at that level?
Do you have an internal dialogue?
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2023:
Leia may not have been a committee, but I am...
We need to stop glorifying the police.
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2023:
It is apparent that police do NOT need the protection of a union, and that police unions do far, far more harm than good, if any good actually comes from them. Mostly, they protect the racists and psychos that gravitate to a job where they can bully people without consequences.
I happened to see this in my morning email so thought I'd post it.
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2023:
Anti-vaxxers are now their own cult with a cottage industry of pumping out disinformation. The Fox robots eat it up.
Can humanity's new giant leap into space succeed? []
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2023:
Success in space can only be measured by survival back on Earth. Nothing about space development works to help that survival. Survival must be the priority. I'm as pro-space development as anyone, but that effort is wasted if we die on this planet.
Sherilyn Fenn showing her Twin Peaks - 1990
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2023:
I've been to the mountain top and I have seen the promised land... I have a dream...
There is no Planet B.
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2023:
The ONLY possible scenario that avoids extinction is that Humanity drastically depopulates, and that scenario is impossible because our psychology won't allow it.
Sad with how simple this is that optics may prevent Trump being prosecuted for improper handling of ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2023:
After all the shit that Hillary went through (classified docs on her unprotected server?), it's hard to grasp how Joe could have let this happen. Maybe Biden isn't supposed to talk about it, but this could be spun to highlight Trump's intentional espionage as NOT being comparable to Biden's mere carelessness.
FORGIVENESS I have long wondered about forgiveness.
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2023:
I like the concept of forgiveness, but I have found out the hard way that forgiveness isn't readily achieved. As in the OP, forgiveness is an ideal to be pursued. I am often of two or more minds and I accept that some positions change with diet. Trauma does not get dispelled easily, and some of the voices are all too happy to shout a reminder. Sadly, just as forgiving can be a challenge, forgetting often happens too quickly.
You get one life to live, don't waste a minute of it on your knees, praying to an imaginary sky ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2023:
That is the downside of Pascal's Wager that is never mentioned, wasting the one life you have living in a state of threat, delusion and hatred of everyone else.
The Jewish people go to the ancient "Wailing Wall" in Jerusalem for Holy Days.
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2023:
Catholic holy water...
Beware of food . It can be dangerous.
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2023:
Anti-vaxxers are like Q-Anons, militias, neo-nazis, etc. They are psychological rabbit-holes that suck people in for the thrill of extending a little bit of mind control and self-aggrandizement. Plus, they prey on those that cannot muster nor maintain critical thinking. Without a minimal level of skepticism, they'll gladly imprint on viral memes shared within the cult.
I think I have found their secret list
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2023:
The real list never ends.
You can take this any way you want to
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2023:
Mine goes inside for warmth...
Back the blue till it happens to you. []
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2023:
Privileged Karen totally deserved it.
Better watch out guys, the wife is onto your every move.
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2023:
Very dangerous - - the pins could stick the doggy's mouth...
100 Years After First Diabetes Breakthrough, Canadian Scientists Believe They’ve Found a Cure ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 14, 2023:
Isn't it curious how difficult it is to find funding for genuinely promising research.
Excited Scientists Make Type-2 Diabetes Breakthrough With First-Ever Glimpse At How Protein Behind ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 14, 2023:
An interesting discovery, but far from being anything like a breakthrough. Clickbait. Too bad.
I seen lots of people wanting Trump locked up for documents so where are all the people wanting ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 14, 2023:
The cases are extremely different in terms of cooperation. I'm not sure I'm ready for President Harris, but if Biden has to go to jail in order to put Trump there too, I'm all in, whatever it takes. Biden would be a martyred patriot; Trump, not so much (A longstanding traitor deserving a million deaths).
Let's get personal.
racocn8 comments on Jan 14, 2023:
At one job, they'd give us annual fire-fighting training including using 2" hoses and fire extinguishers. A decade later at a different job, they thought they'd hold two contests for employees to try to extinguish a simulated fire with a simulated fire extinguisher. I won both contests. At another job, they had a different contest. This contest had everyone lined up and given balloons to blow up. Maybe not so easy in Los Angeles? With everybody on their marks and ready to go, the signal was given. I immediately filled a third of the balloon while others were struggling. After glancing at the competition, I quickly finished it off way ahead of the rest. I can only wonder that they thought I cheated. Well, sort of... Before starting, I had stretched the balloon making it much easier to inflate...
My "Eureka! Eureka!" moment
racocn8 comments on Jan 14, 2023:
* You too!!??
You know if he came back, he'd shit himself over how they've fucked up his instructions
racocn8 comments on Jan 14, 2023:
Another compelling argument that it is all horse shit.
Hourglass Figure
racocn8 comments on Jan 14, 2023:
Wearing a cross???
I don't understand how so much child abuse and neglect is permitted these days.
racocn8 comments on Jan 14, 2023:
I formulated an oral oil to reduce the pain of teething. I'm going to call it 2:30... (tooth-hurty)
Given that both Biden and Trump appear to have mishandled state secret documents, the question has ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 13, 2023:
And would the Russians be rewarded if they started surreptitiously going through the possessions of all our former politicians? As that seems very likely, maybe the FBI needs to do this as a routine service.


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