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From one of the non western MSM sites (Yes, they exist, to those who think all news comes from MSNBC or FOX) I follow. Titled: "This is what Kiev would look like if Russia acted like Israel... " It's not wrong. Still trying to process the horror. I fear the Hamas attack is closer to "The Shot Heard Round the World" than 9/11. I hope justice and reason prevail and the killing stops. Or at least doesn't get worse. What can I say, I think peace is a good thing.

Druvius 8 Oct 13

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The behavior of the Russian soldiers is extremely similar to the Hamas psychopaths: raping and pillaging after murdering countless civilians...

Only in mainstream western propaganda.

Oh, you're right. I'm brainwashed. Russians would never do anything like that... And Russians never resort to propaganda and always tell the truth as accurately as possible!!!


Well, this photo could be from Mariupol.... or from Grozny (2005).
Or do you really believe the Russians restrain themselves because they are more human than Israel?
BTW:.. how many Russian civilians did Ukraine kill, rape and abduct before 2022-02-24 ??

It might be Beirut (2006) or from Syria. Radom pictures with no caption or source are a bit suspicious.

Yes, unlike you who says "These guys are barbarians, those guys are civilized," said in baby talk because it's infantile thinking, I have been studying war all my life and have some understanding of how it's conducted. This will be my last response to you, because you really are a propagandized fool. It's the people who claim the other side are barbarians are almost invariably the ones committing the lion's share of atrocities because they don't see the other side as human beings.


Kiev would look like that, but where Gaza has no air defenses, Ukraine does. Thanks to the United States and our European allies.

No, Kiev would look that that if Russia wanted it to. Russia has been more restrained than America at avoiding civilian targets, but I know most westerners can't grasp that living in their propaganda world where the US are the good guys.

@Druvius The three bombed-out apartment buildings are in Bakmut, Ukraine.

@Druvius The bombed-out building with a burning car in front of it was a maternity hospital in Mariupol, Ukraine.

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