Paul Craig Roberts and Mike Adams reveal the huge MISTAKE US officials are making over Israel, ...

By 1patriot 11 months ago

Paul Craig Roberts and Mike Adams reveal the huge MISTAKE US officials are making over Israel, Ukraine and Russia

  • US foreign policy in Israel and Russia/Ukraine. (0:00)

  • US-Israel relations and potential conflict in the Middle East. (5:12)

  • US foreign policy mistakes and their consequences. (9:58)

  • The impact of decentralized information and government control. (16:55)

  • US foreign policy and its impact on Russia and Ukraine. (21:53)

  • Geopolitics and the potential for conflict. (29:24)

  • Russia's economic resilience in the face of sanctions. (33:52)

  • Geopolitics, military power, and economic devastation in Europe. (38:59)

  • US economic power and sanctions. (46:47)

  • US politics and media censorship with Paul Craig Roberts. (52:01)

Note: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of this website or its members.

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