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Favorite podcasts?

What are some of your favorite science/atheist/free-thinking podcasts that present interesting conversations and help in moments of retreat from your religious friends and family?

PhotoGeoff 2 June 6

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Thanks for all of the recommendations, folks. Looking forward to checking them out in the weeks to come.


Not related to these topics but
Terrible, Thanks For Asking
Ear Hustle (podcast from inmates at San Quinton)


Waking up podcast by Sam Harris is a good one. Also Hard Core History by Dan Carlin. Then of course Science Friday, Fresh Air.

KenW Level 3 June 6, 2018

Ah, forgot to mention Freakonomics ... focuses on unintended consequences of policies and other fun stuff.


Chariots of Iron is good. Haven't heard them in a long time tho. Todd and Tyler aren't entirely about religion (some parts are), but they are entertaining.

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