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Meaning of existence

When I was a Christian, my Christian parents told me that my existence has a meaning. Now I do not believe in a god, at least not the kind of God mentioned in the Bible. I know there is good and bad human beings in believers and non-believers. My question is : how can we be happy if we,atheist, think we have no meaning for our existence?

delilah 5 June 7

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For me you make the meaning religious or not. If you find meaning in God there you go. Carbs? Hate? Love? Cheetos? The constant battle of the nature of belief to me is missing the point. For me it is what does the nature of your chosen meaning to life mean to us, to me , to you? If its to kill people, be an asshole, prey upon the weak that for me is a problem and you need to be stopped irrelevant to why you choose that path. Is the meaning in your life defined by fucking with believers? Good job beating your head against that wall! Is the meaning you define mean you are a good and decent person, then cool. Whether you get there by the way of God then that is your right, by reason and thought, cool. We obsess so much over words, meanings and being RIGHT we lose sight I think of the truly important things like love, joy, hope, forgiveness, self determination, donuts, bacon, good sex, laughter, sleep, moments in the sun, silence, doing nothing but being here in this place. So believe whatever you want, find your meaning. Just try and be kind while your doing it and I am all for it.

Quarm Level 6 Mar 3, 2019

I think our existence is just as evolution would suggest, to pass on our genetics and become the most efficient organism that we can.


Meaning of existence = eat carbs

Marz Level 7 Feb 4, 2019

Who says an atheist has no meaning for their existence? That is the false assumption of the narrow-minded theist.


Life has the meaning you choose to give it.


Why does everything have to have meaning? I highly recommend 'One Strange Rock' (miniseries on tv). It's a gorgeously shot, really interesting show, and a good reminder of how insignificant we really are, in the grand scheme of things...


No meaning other than to pass on your genes!


Well, I believe in a power greater than myself so I also believe that this power, or whoever is in charge of my soul development, has a reason for me to be here.To me, that is my sole intent in living this expand my awareness and enable my soul to flourish. All I know for sure is love is the goal..for everything. And absolutely everything has meaning..including you.


I agree with Benthoven (level 7). Happiness comes from within. I read a book titled "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl. Viktor who is, or was, is a Jewish Holocaust survivor. He was also a psychiatrist when he was sent to the camps. He says the only reason to live is because you mean something to someone else. I think he started some kind of organization to help people find meaning in their lives (somewhere in Europe).
I think the Buddists get meaning from how a person navigates the obstacles faced during life. The mark of a good person is how well he/she endures adversity. This seems like a reasonable idea to me.
You know, I am proud of Christopher Hitchens (one of the 4 horsemen) who died of cancer. He stuck to his guns throughout the sickness and through death. (sorry, changed subject) (I can't spell).

Grecio Level 7 June 24, 2018

I think if my life had meaning, I would be depressed about. It makes absolute sense that that none of this makes sense. If there were a meaning then it would mean that every bad thing that happened to us was for an ultimate purpose, There is no ultimate purpose that is amazing enough for the pain and suffering of this world. It makes me feel calm to know that this blue ball that we're all parasiting on is for nothing at all. We're just here for a short time. Whether or not you do something with it is up to you. Any regrets that you have will be felt, then you'll die and your regrets will die with it. That might make some people feel sad, but it makes me feel free.

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