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so my fellow atheist and agnostics what do u think is the meaning of life ?

DavidDeLa89 6 Dec 24

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We are as flowers of the field...we live for a season then we die.


To live .

Dale Level 4 Dec 24, 2017

There is no specific meaning except for what you make of it. That, and yeah....42.


The other point is why do you think life has to have meaning?


The answer is 42 and remember your towel.


survive and reproduce the next generation of ofspring is what id say the dictionary would have to say but since we are thinking organisms, at the end of the day that answer varies with the mood your in


Like Dawkins says, in absolution the question itself is meaningless. Humans are the ones who qualify anything as meaningful or meaningless and there is no qualified meaning as such to anything from perspective of universe.

Having said that, I see humans as capable of exploring and unlocking the secrets of the universe, something that makes them more than just survival machines. I believe acquisition of knowledge is something that can be deemed worthy of giving meaning to human life.


Procreation. To ensure the survival of a species. I don't think there really is much more to it but we are all experiencing it.

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