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What is your opinion over climate change?

Do you believe in climate change? (Why/Why not) Can you connect your opinion about climate change with politics ?

YasirSabah1 2 Dec 24

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climate change is real,, It is a normal process of this planet
one thing I don't believe that CO2 is causing global warming climate change because there's been very little Warming since 2000 the government change the name to climate change . The reason I do not believe CO2 is causing the climate change is because it is a insignificant gas in the atmosphere. In 1800 it was .03% today it is .041% if you put that on a linear graph you would not even see a change. When you see graghs today they show a logarithmic graph so it makes that little change looked like a big change. Please do some research about the people on the other side of the climate change issue. We're all logical thinkers on this website and it's important to look at both sides of an issue and use the scientific method prove or disprove this climate change global warming issue.

dc65 Level 7 Dec 27, 2017

Being agnostic (de facto atheist), I don't BELIEVE in anything. But I sure think climate change is real, and dangerous, and needs to be taken seriously, by everyone.

I am sure its real too , thanks for replying!


As the real God! And with the way it's being handled, its about to bring its wrath onto the ignorance of humanity.

Well said.


I don't call it climate change as it is anthropological Global Warming. I live with it everyday, it has already resulted in a 200 mile northern shift of our ecosystem here and it is getting worse every year. The only people that seem to not recognize it as a reality are those with a vested interest in the fossil fuel industry and the stupid people. This is not an issue that should even be political only idiots don't see the link between the massive fires ravaging the continent. The debate is over we need to be dealing with it post haste.

Thatnks for wrinting So according to you what is the possible solution ? For us 1: as indivituals
2 as families
3 as sociatey
4 as countries (on political or bussiness level )

Socialism is the only solution to the political system, remove corporations as persons under the law, tax on carbon emissions at the source, ending the use of coal, ban internal combustion power vehicles from the cities and eventually entirely, shift to ecologically sustainable agriculture and ban petroleum based plastics. Even doing all of these things will not stop the consequences of the carbon in the atmosphere already, the human race in particularly the developed nations will need to change their thoughts on immigration or face more wars and terrorism from the climate refugees, focus on moving they population to higher ground, institutions massive fire suppression programs, shore up flood protection, store food in good years to ration it in bad, etc. On the individual level stop consuming but, ultimately people are to self focus to stop it on there own so, it will need to be legislated. Worldwide we will need to focus on zero or negative growth.

I doubt that there is the will to do any of these things, so, we are going to be speeding rapidly into a hell of our own making, I fear for my grandchildren so, I will instruct them carefully on survival technics. On my own farm I am moving to being totally off grid.

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