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QUESTION Is Capitalism Bad for You?

Pulled from 8 Bit Philosophy, on Wisecrack’s FB page.

BlasphemousRumor 5 Dec 24

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I believe capitalism is good it promotes thought and innovation but as was said corporatism is bad and what we are suffering from now. If you search you'll find only a handful of companies own almost everything so that in my option would be a monopoly that's where capitalism changes to corporatism.


Capitalism is when someone starts a business selling his own goods or services like a farmer selling his wares from a roadside stand. I have zero objection to that. However, I have a problem with corporatism. An example of that would be a company buying up all the land around a farmer and hiring employees at low wages to operate that land as a farm and putting the farmer with his roadside stand out of business by undercutting his prices. Capitalism is good...corporatism is bad.


It's good for somebody!

Tig3r Level 3 Dec 24, 2017
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