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Red rag to a bull....

I'm not sure which was more annoying for Dawkins, being interviewed by a moron, or having to discuss a moron.

He was not amused.....


I am with Richard.


First, I think the interviewer is out of her league. Either that, or she has an agenda rather than an interview plan. Seeing as she's from RT, it might be the latter.

I think Richard Dawkin's comment "You're talking nonsense," pretty much summed it up for me.

People who pose questions like this interviewer scare me. It's like as a whole, humans are starting to embrace ignorance as some kind of honorable thing. It's not.

This interview made me think about the original knucklehead, Sarah Palin, and her characterization of the founding fathers as some kind of group of good old boys from down the block; they weren't. They were the political, military, social, and financial elites of their day.

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