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Free speach in our country is being stifled. This CAN NOT STAND!!

stomato 6 June 10

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I had one of those… Her address had to first be OK’d with the administration.. I didn’t dig far into the link, but it sounds like a very inappropriate subject for a graduation audience.

Varn Level 8 June 10, 2018

I worry about it also. A problem is it happens both on the left and right. As I always say, I'm a bleeding heart liberal but I will also speak out when some on the extreme in my party, try or do pervert free speech. Having said that, the actions of the current commander-in-shit goes so far beyond what is acceptable that all we can do is vote, speak out and hope that there are enough sane Americans left to turn the tide in November.

gearl Level 8 June 10, 2018

Trump is turning our country into a government controlled society that will not allow alternate views to be heard. If this isn't proof enough that he is working toward a dictatorship, what will it take. Freedom of speech is not an choice, it's a right and we have to protect it with all we have. There is no other choice.

Agree completely ! Flashback to Germany in the 1930's.

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