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Nu Joisey has got it Shit together since the Bridge Song. Fat Ass #2 went down the same way the Fat Ass #1 will also fall by the wayside. Dumbo cannot go back to NYC ever when he is properly indicted, tried and convicted. Lots of Culture in the State along with Middle Class Americans who are going to reel from the Corporate Tax Cuts that every other American will feel once it gets printed. At that time the GOP will finally conclude that they just strung themselves to a noose on a broken chair. We only have to have faith that the Justice Departments of the FBI, CIA and the Media Networks will pull all of the strings together so the knots don't break.


I stand by my comment on a different thread... a busload of pissed off embarrassed Registered Republicans need to show up and give him a good old tar and feathering. 110% stop putting up with stupid candidates and maybe they can save their party.


What a fucking embarrassment.
We should be allowed to bitchslap people like that. REALLY, REALLY HARD.


Many in american history from our "fumbling fathers" to now had defended slavery so...


Amerika, 2018


It blows my mind that such idiocy still exists. Then again, I remember where I live.

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