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What's the difference between spirit, soul and subconcious?

SonnyMlaPH 7 Oct 8

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Spirit is how you feel about something; Soul is your ability to connect well with blues music. The subconcious? Not exactly sure what that is.

"I Feel Your Soul" by David Benoit is one of my favorite jazz songs.

The sub-conscious is like the UPS in your computer so you keep browsing, in high spirits, the pictures in a dating site even when power in your neighborhood gets knocked down. The subconcious is what tells your vital parts to keep working even when you've shut down to sleep so you can dream of wonderful things to keep your spirit high.


yeah, some of those mean different things to different people

yes, depends on where they're coming from


Soul is the earthly term for spirit; subconscious is the part of human mind that connects the physical and spiritual realms.

I certainly agree with you. Is there medical/scientific proof that the subconcious through the spine connects the physical and spisitual realms? . . . oooops . . . .duuuuhhhhhh, Would you like to post that question please? Or, heads or tails? who's gonna do it? TAIL for me, been there all my life, at the tail end! ok, now, flip the coin!

I think that's where non-physical beings such as ghosts reside 😛

SonnymiaPH, if there is a spiritual world, it's a place where our human science/medicine doesn't apply. And I don't think scientific proof is necessary. We experience/explore the potentials of our subconscious in deep meditation and dreams.

Prove it! Outside of facts your feels about it are irrelevant.Your subconscious state while dreaming cannot produce anything you have not experienced in life. In other words, the only potential you'll experience is nothing more than your brain reinterpreting your experiences. Your cerebrum reproduces your external stimulus while sleeping in order to make sense of reality. Your brain will mix and match childhood memories with the current. It does this during REM sleep and your body will become paralyzed. Yes, Science and Medicine are very much at the forefront.


They are all the same depending on your religious indoctrination.All we are is the total sum of out attained knowledge.

But the scientific community does not accept soul ans spirit

My point is, the believer has to be shown the correlation between Cognition, attained knowledge, and the subconscious suggestions that result in subliminal interpretations.

Pardon my nitpicking but, I thought it's the conscious mind that gives suggestions to the subconscious?

Tell that to a paranoid schizophrenic. When you are asleep your conscious cognitive mind has no control. The believer superimposes a mental image from a suggestion, hence reading a book. Confirmation bias. A desire. The subconscious mind rearranges thoughts and memories to help the mind make sense of reality. What is your reality? My reality consists of kno0wing as many factual things as possible. I haven't had a nightmare in 20 years, ever since I truly took responsibility for my own life.I meet life on my terms and it is only as good as I want it to be. Life is good!

The subconscious mind never sleeps. The conscious mind, awake for at least 16 hours of each day, gives a barrage of suggestions to the subconscious mind which then rearranges and interprets these thoughts. The subconscious do not make suggestions. It follows your suggestions, your desires - if you happen to be the master of your thoughts.


it depends on your perspective. from a universal viewpoint, they are all the saame. from my individual viewpoint, my soul is the spirit that pervades my subconscious.

Can we bundle them all into one? . . . I just got a very hilarious answer fro CraigAllan down below:

Spirits are at the bar Soles are on shoes and your subconscious is in your head

. . . I'm still laughing as I reply to you and about to get a bellyache


Hmmm great question. I think spirit and soul are one in the same essence while subconcious is a modern term that describes what goes on in a persons mind when asleep or unconscious.

SamL Level 7 Oct 8, 2017

Most of us take it that way

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