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Why does it seem to be acceptable for an older man to date/marry a younger woman but less acceptable for an older woman to date/marry a younger man?

PeacefulChaos 5 Dec 25

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I think you can date who ever you want that wants to date you. Go for it !


I don't know how acceptable it is. I think it comes with the thought "He must have money or power, or she wants a "daddy" or someone to financially support her". Not saying this is always the case.
I find myself often dating younger men. Because I do not look my age, "act my age", and have not met many men my age or older,with the same interests. That is just how it rolls. It's only about a 7-10 year difference in my case. It never seems to be a big deal. I don't have any interest in dating very young men though. I think that would just be creepy.


I believe it need lot of getting used to. Now, when I look back, I find I was far less acceptable to it when I was younger than now. So, you need a lot of learning, unlearning and relearning.

Lol I like your simple truth. I thought the same way but my experiences have taught me that successful happy relationships are not based on the age of the lovers but moreso how much they like each other, compatibility and willingness to be together.

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