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Morning Person or Night Owl? And WHY

Ok all, here's your chance to chime in. Are you a night owl or a morning AND WHY? Especially in dating I find that the two don't mix. I'm a night owl because I prefer the quiet hours of the early morning, it's dark, more fun things happen when it's dark and there's nightlife, bars etc. that arent open at 6 a.m. Your turn, let's hear it, but you need to explain why you are what you are.

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lerlo 8 June 16

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It sucks. I'm a night owl but have to wake up at 4 am six days a week for work.



I like the seems the world is quieter, mysterious, exciting, and energetic...people seem a bit more vulnerable, honest and contemplative at night..they seem more lonely and willing to take chances just to connect with another human...defiitely a night owl.


You missed a category both. I go to sleep around 11 pm and arise at 6am feel great and rested ready to do a days work. This has always been my demeaner

Marine Level 8 June 21, 2018

10pm-4am for me


Night owl. It’s genetic []

Livia Level 6 June 19, 2018

Night walker for life!!


Both. Night owl by personal tendency; morning person by life situation. I try to be annoyingly perky whenever I'm awake. Happy! Happy!

@maturin1919 Hee Hee

People that are cheerful in the morning are the worst.

@GeorgeRocheleau Yes, yes we are. We are a sadistic lot 😀

I found if you wake up a morning person early, they aren't cheerful anymore and you can turn the tables on them. BWHAHA

@GeorgeRocheleau Only the ones that aren't also high energy night owls 😉


Lifelong insomnia


Generally morning. I love being up just before the sun. I also have my best workout energy then.

However, I can get crazy with the best of 'em , and be up late - if I'm inspired ! Just not too often ...


I have always been a night owl, I have amazing night vision I can even see colours in moon light. Never been much for bars or drinking though, I prefer just to be outside at night. I think better at night as well. I love the stars and the northern lights and prefer to be out under them. Fortunately I need very little sleep either.


i like the nights... i've never liked to wake up early. i'm more of a beer person than a coffee person


Not by choice unfortunately. I woke up at 4am, it's winter, cold and dark. But here I am. 🙂

Ryksie Level 6 June 16, 2018

I'm morning person, but not often I'm able to go to bed early. Anyway, I try every day to wake up early because I feel there is more time to live.There are many birds at my window but I love the one's special song.


Night owl by nature due to FOMO. However my life does not currently support it, and I'm starting not to miss it.


Even when I worked full time 6am every day I was definately a night owl.


Not sure if I count as a true night owl if I stay up past 10:00 I can easily be up till midnight + into the morning. If I can get to bed by 9:30pm then I am up at 6am needing things to do.

wow... that's bizarre. If I my head doesn't hit the pillow at 9.30ish I am awake until about 3.0 am. no matter how tired I am. I thought that only happened to me. However I do love the quietness of 6.00 in the morning with the promise of a whole new day ahead peeping in through the windows.

@patchoullijulie this is a recent change for me but I am finding some joy in the early hours!

@Donna_I I love the early hours. Not the dark early hours but just before sunrise.

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