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What is your argument against pascals wager? The idea that you lose nothing believing in god but everything by not doing so.

I have my opinions against this but want to hear what you guys think.

SocraticAddict 6 Dec 27

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If a benevolent god exists be could be testing me to see if I do the right thing by not accepting christianity. If this is true, I have much to lose.


God isn't going to be fooled by someone "believing" in him just to hedge their bet.

  1. I do not "lose nothing". I give away a great deal of autonomy, I have to shut down part of my critical thinking, by current indications I will also have part of my income diverted, I lose time with my kids, I have to start hating myself for my sexuality, I have to start despising my lover for her sexuality, I'm required to listen to half-baked arguments in silence (big ask there). I'm sure there are other losses I could catalogue.
  2. I lose nothing if god is real. The "Problem of Evil" (and his "own" writings) would indicate that god is the kind of self-absorbed arse with whom I wish to have nothing to do.
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