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Trusting politicians/actors

Just putting this out there. We seem to revere anyone in the acting profession and trust them implicitly, forgive their indiscretions and even change our political views to coincide with what we perceive their views to be. At the same time, we distrust and despise politicians. Actors earn their living by pretending to be someone else - someone they are not. Politicians in the main also earn their living by pretending they are someone they are not, by 'acting a part'.. Why do we revere actors and not politicians when they are both effectively doing the same thing?

Grumpy 5 June 19

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.Because they display a heart defend poor,sick and work on their behalf, believe in the rights of animals,the environment and often use their wealth to benefit others.

Marine Level 8 June 19, 2018

I don't trust either politicians or actors. Both groups have too many liars in them. Both are actors and when one is acting whether it be to get votes or acclaim, it is still acting and the truth is not coming out.


I don't "revere" or even trust, actors nor politician. My views are based on evidence and my conscience,NOT what actors say or do.

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