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Is President Trumps impeach statement a self fulfilling prophecy???

Hmmm..... lol. You ever see someone talk about a bad outcome and put themselve in one. Just saying. His whole platform is a lie. Social media will be his downfall.

BucketlistBob 8 June 19

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As horrible as he is, impeachment or a good stroke on the old golf course won't change much for us. The fact that he was electable at all indicates the depth of our problems.

vita Level 7 June 19, 2018

So true...


Social media would have ALREADY been his downfall by now, if that's all it took.

Trump's base likes that he's not PC, "tells it like it is" by their lights and trumpets their talking points and conspiracy theories and grievance narratives, so in that sense, Trump is actually using social media to keep his support numbers up, and it's working to the extent there are supporters (which is, appallingly, a lot).

Where his social media bloviations and impromptu interviews with Fox & Friends and such like will amount to in hindsight is a damning indictment of his corrupt, depraved and incompetent handling of his presidency for anyone with eyes to see. For the rest ... well they will say he never stood a chance against the atheist illuminati or whatever BS they come up with.

My daughter asked me on Father's Day what Dad's prediction is for how this will out. Unfortunately I'm not sure. It's a complex interplay of factors. But it's clear to me that a lot of stuff is coming to a head and things will be -- for lack of a better term -- really, really interesting between now and the midterms. Cohen looks ready to flip; Manafort had his parole voided and is in jail now for witness tampering; Trump, Jr, Ivanka and Jared were just sued by the NY AG for running a faux charitable foundation with near-total fiduciary misconduct; various other dominoes are falling; and if this child-gulag thing at the border keeps up, as the Wall St Journal warned in an op-ed today, the GOP will lose both their House and Senate majorities in the midterms and that would just about guarantee both impeachment and conviction. Meantime, even the cautious pundits and talking heads outside of state media (Fox) are finally willing to say that evidence of both obstruction and collusion are getting really hard to argue against or disbelieve. And always remember: Mueller knows at least 10x what is public knowledge about his findings, maybe even x. And he's extremely systematic and thorough.


I was hoping it was going to be the steps on the capitol.


Only if the Democrats regain control of Congress, ESPECIALLY the House.


he is going to be with us for 4 years.

Marine Level 8 June 19, 2018


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