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What is your view on polyamory?

I'm polyamorous myself, but I know a lot of people are put off by that sort of thing(especially thanks to polygamist groups and cults).

Rory_C-137 3 Oct 9

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I think we should all be allowed to love however we want. As long as everyone is consenting then it's nobody else's business. I enjoy having multiple partners because you get something different from everyone.


I'm poly and I say to each their own. I will say that many people confuse polyamory with cheating or a "fancy way of cheating." That is because they do not understand it. In polyamory, everyone is in the know about everything. Cheating involves deception. Yes, someone can be polyamorous and still cheat on someone. It's not all a "perfect world."

They also confuse polyamory with polygamy. Polygamy is more religions and deals more with patriarchy. Polyamory is egalitarian and has no religious affiliation at all. Not everyone is meant for polyamory as well as not everyone is meant for monogamy. Both are legitimate relationship styles in my opinion.


Frankly, polyamory is not for me. I rather like the idea of me having a part of him -- and him of me--that no one else gets to enjoy. If it works for other people that's great for them. I'll pass though.


I couldn't handle. I'm not jealous of a partner who has dinner with a friend or who is late coming home from work (should call home of course) but I personally could not deal with sharing sex and feelings of love with a third or more person (s). There is always a danger to the relationship by including others. The judgment is about me, not anyone else.


It isn't for me, but I have a number of polyamorous friends. They are good people and usually conscientious about respecting one another's feelings. Good communication is the crux of all relationships, whether monogamous or polyamorous.

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