6 0

Not getting any younger.

Look at my pics. Am I fuckable? Any volunteers?

LIB75002 6 Dec 31

Enjoy being online again!

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Could you meet me halfway?


Yes. I think the message function would meet your needs.
I think this is a very cute mistake.

That's so sweet!


I'm 60 and I volunteer, cept its a bit far from Cali..but I would if I were closer!

You're so sweet and maybe a pervert. Either way, thank you.



dc65 Level 7 Jan 2, 2018

this was really meant for one person...I'm embarrassed......

Well, what did the lucky bastard say?

@Benmonk Before I answer - when I use the @benmonk, are you the only one who sees it?

@LIB75002 on this site i guess its public. You would have to message me at my profile, i think.


@LIB75002 You are attractive and more importantly, you seem very kind and intelligent. I recently got involved with a Christian woman, which is something I wanted to avoid, but I sympathize with what you're experiencing.

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