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Don’t bless me if I sneez :)

Although a god may not be prevalent in our lives. How many of you still say “Oh my God”? And what are the connotations that come with it, If any?

BenKillman 2 June 27

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I've always been a Gezunheit person after, no kidding, hearing Walter Matthau say it as part of a running gag in The Taking of Pelham 1-2-3. Lately I've taken to abbreviating it to merely Gezund--in my mind, it's an idiomatic way of circumventing acknowledgement of a higher power.



cava Level 7 June 27, 2018

I say OMG all the time , Does not bother me as it is just a saying or expression. I never say god bless or praise god. Stuff like that is for a god, but OMG is just an old old saying. Meaning nothing except holy shit.

EMC2 Level 8 June 27, 2018

Can I bless your missing e?


I won't - as long as you use a Kleenex!


My polite stock in trade phrase is "Christ in a sidecar".

My impolite ones are much more colorful.

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