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WEll it appears the real shit is hitting the fan now. With the recent supreme court vacancies I must admit, I am nervous/
If they get another judge we liberals are toast. Somehow we must stop this

EMC2 8 June 27

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WE can stop this and must stop this. Any democrat such as Joe Mansion willing to switch sides must be made a public issue. No democrat , no independent, and no republican with true morals, should vote or even entertain a vote

EMC2 Level 8 June 28, 2018

I heard that... turn about is fair play and Dems need to do a McConnell the slimy shithead


Any ideas would be welcome. It's not even liberals that are in danger anyone NOT far right enough for this administration is toast. I'm afraid it's going to get very white and very Christian.
Wonder who they'll get to work the fields and harvest crops without migrant workers. um
I'm feeling very sad.


someone else mentioned FDR expanded the seats and filled them with people he needed

btroje Level 9 June 27, 2018

@ashley44 Yes this is true . FDR did not do something nefarious. He was building a fair court to allow for balance. Trump is just doing what PUTIN has dreamed of and finally brought to a reality.

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