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LINK How Capitalism Erodes Democracy

Corporations over people...

Krish55 8 June 28

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We have little hope of regaining democracy until the supreme court is remade.

Marine Level 8 June 30, 2018

Capitalism emphasis is on self interested consumption, and not on citizens exercising mutual interests. Voters become enamored of politicians that appeal to their own self-interest, and not those who struggle to present the interests of the whole. The major party's choice of candidates is based on wealth and not ability, we don't like either candidate but we have little choice or say in who runs [I'm an independent in Florida I can't even vote in a primary]. Ultimately it is the capital in capitalism which exsanguinates democracy.

cava Level 7 June 28, 2018

@Fanburger The whole is prior to the parts...that's the idea behind a national unity, which is not to say that the parts can't be critical of the whole. Patriotism is love of country, not self love.

@Fanburger Parts can't be parts unless there is a whole that they are parts of by definition.

@Fanburger Parts are defined by the whole, otherwise you would have no idea of what adequately constitutes a part

@Fanburger Prior to the Constitution, a document that lays down governmental structure, political processes, and limitations on the use of power there were just new world colonies belonging to the UK, after the Constitution was ratified a new nation was formed, the United States, became a nation comprised of states. The Constitution structures the role of all the parts.

@Fanburger They were not parts prior to the Constitution, it made them what they are...thank you for the discussion.

@Fanburger And I don't blame you for being ignorant.

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