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Vivid dreams with heavy religious undertones?

Anyone else have/had dreams that were vivid and chock full of religious undertones?
To give an example, I still recall the time I had dreams similar to this (roughly between the age of six to eight) :
I often dreamt of myself as a General. Typically donned in military style uniform, and always in charge of a calvary. The main goal was to find "hostages" cowering in caves. Yet, getting from point A to B was (obviously) not simple. There were deep trenches, mortar fire, literal hell fire raining from the sky etc. Etc. I always found the people hiding, albeit a bit too late. And you'd think after having reoccurring dreams like this I'd refer to them as nightmares; but I digress. In some I even spoke to "God" (which was a giant clock) and after telling a former confidant as a kid, I was openly laughed at. But, still I wonder if anyone else had similar dreams?

SheepieDex 3 July 1

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Dream with religious undertones? No.


Interesting... I do all kinds of things in dreams that I'd never do in reality, or even consider doing — in dreams, I may be violent or heartless or courageous, or any number of things that aren't in my personality. But, thinking about it, not once have I had any kind of religious experience or thought in a dream. It literally doesn't enter my head.

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