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Could individual states pass laws to permit abortion if Roe vs Wade goes down?tt

Marine 8 July 2

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That is one issue I have to say I disagree with Republicans on. Feelings about abortion are influenced by radical religious ideaologies, and have no business influencing our politics. If RvsW does get overturned, I think there would be a sizable uprising in return. Reproductive rights along with organizing privately funded unions are about the only things you and I could find some common ground on.


Most likely that is what will happen anyway. Laws will revert to whatever the state verdion is/was before Roe v, Wade. Thst way SCOTIS can refrain from ruling on it at all.


They could pass all the laws they want - it won't stop all abortions - only safe and legal ones !


Depends on how scotus rules.


I am not sure if this could be done if the federal govn't knocks down the Roe v Wade outcome. Does anyone know if this is possible?

A lot of states tried to end-run Roe v Wade this way...all struck down in federal courts based on SCOTUS rulings, so, no.

@AnneWimsey Thanks

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