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Who here is an avid video gamer?!

Hi guys! I love to video game and have been gaming since the age of 6 (I will be the ripe old age of 35 in 19 days, ugh).
I am an all around gamer and I do not think one system has superiority over another. I am mostly a console gamer but do play some games online via Steam.
I’ve played older and newer systems, and I have an Xbox One, Xbox 360, a Nintendo Wii, PS4, 1st Gen nintendo DS, and a computer.
I admire Indie games but like a few AAA titles here and there.
I would love to talk video games and I’d love to game with more cool people on ps4 and xbox one! Please message me or post a note here!
Happy chatting and gaming!

MrsMickiLP 5 July 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Girl, I started on an Atari console. I grew up playing in arcades and movie theater lobbies playing pac-man while waiting for Star Wars: A New Hope to being playing on the big screen opening weekend back in 1977. I was in the single digit age group then, but yeah, I still love to play games. I have a Wii, but I mostly play the Sims 2 and 3 and City Skylines on my pc.

@trblemaker But they were soooo good. I have MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) on my tablet and have every.... single.... 80s arcade game I ever played, right here in my pocket. For FREE!

Technology is freakin' wonderful.


I’ve logged over 800 hours in Skyrim. I mostly play on Xbox, but I also play D&D.



(sorry, I just had a flashback to my days on, when I answered half of all threads that way... I had to get out of that toxic mess)


Pc games are by far my favorite. I use my ps4 for console specific titles or just extending my outreach to with more people. What type of games do you then?


I play PS4, XBox 1 and Switch

SRan Level 2 July 2, 2018

Have been a gamer for a very long time starting with pinball back when it was a dime and continued pinball for many years in taverns. Then it was the golden age of arcade gaming and I hung out at the arcades and taverns. Had a couple of console games years ago, the original NES and Sega Genesis. I built a MAME arcade around 15 years ago and gave that to my daughter a couple of years ago. Now strictly a PC gamer.


My 1st games were on amstrad cpc464. I've also had sega, Nintendo and playstation consoles but my true love is PC gaming. Im on steam as stealthbeard.
If there isn't a group for gamers maybe we should start one?


Yep me right here I love video games as a child I was a voracious reader and then they took all my wonderful adventure stories and turn them into video games


Massive gamer nerd here. my favorite passtime Ps4, PC, have a 360,snes,n64, and ps2 I no longer ever use as well lol


Welcome! There are a few gamers here, and a few groups dedicated to gaming as well! Do you play any tabletop games?

@MrsMickiLP Join the groups!

@MrsMickiLP []


I've been playing both PC and console since childhood, though I've gravitated more towards consoles in recent generations. I started with an NES and then a game boy, an SNES, a Genesis, I followed squaresoft/square Enix from Nintendo to the 1st-gen PlayStation, never bought a PS2 because my girlfriend at the time already had one, ended up winning a free XBOX360 and a trip to Zero Hour, went back to Sony a few years later, and then got a PS4. RPGs are my primary interest, but I dabble in just about anything short of sports games. In terms of FPS, I prefer games like Borderlands or Halo to the more realistic ones (Tom Clancy games have been hurting my feelings since Rainbow Six in 1997.)


Gaming rocks. I prefer the 1st person shooter games but found them to be significantly more enjoyable when projected on a big screen with an obscene sound system so you feel the impact of explosions and round contact. Haven't fired up a PC for gaming for a few years as I just don't seem to have time to enjoy them. OpeArena on a Linux box when you sit first row is fun as your opponents are life size and literally tower over you on a 200+" screen.


Grew up with them from the days of the earliest arcade machines (I'm 50 this year — though you'd never know it) and never grew out of it.

Barely get time to play these days, as I have a family, and there's no way the missus would let me spend a few hundred on a console when there's kids' shoes and groceries to buy.... I secretly did about a year back, just because I wanted a PSVR set-up, and it was AWESOME. But I ended up feeling so guilty about it, and spending so much time on it, that I had to sell it off again.

Would definitely be cool to chat though, so keep in touch if y'want.


Hey man. I'm a ps4 gamer. LOVE GOD OF WAR! I play mostly RPGs and sports games. I'm getting into VR as well.


I qualify.


I don't know if I am skilled enough to be "avid" but I enjoy the PC, Xbox One, and 360.


I play PC games when I have time


PC Master race.
Fallout 76, anyone?


Ps4 destiny for past few years but the 2nd ones been a bit of a let down not been able to buy anything new lately but did download tera recently it's ok. Looking forward to tomorrow's free games . Oh and mainly pve not been able to get into PvP


I been playing eve online since 2003. excellent game! After playing that its hard to find another game with the same intensity.

Nardi Level 7 July 2, 2018

W00t! PS4 gamer here, passing through


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Every Friday night, I spend at the computer or Play Station, even though I'm not a teenager for a long time. I graduated from high school over 4 years ago, but the habit of playing Fortnite is still present in my daily life. I finally found a way to get a fortnite v bucks gift card. I can use v-Bucks to purchase gear, pickaxes, wraps, emotes, and battle passes. Over the past 2 months, I have improved my skills in this game, so I might even be able to go to the gamer's tournament. Tomorrow is Friday, so you know where to find me.

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