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Anyone wanna be friends?(:

Lexbian96 4 Jan 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I started to say you wouldn't have much in common with a 60 year old married man, but then I remembered a girl I met at ReasonCon. She was alone and sat down beside my wife and me. I saw her googling something about Lawrence Krauss, and started talking to her. She was a 20 year old lesbian, and nothing like me externally, but our backgrounds were very similar. We talked for a long time, and I felt like we were friends when we left her. So I guess we could be friends too!


Me !

Beau Level 2 Jan 1, 2018

@can you say something about your good self ?


Hello. Always a pleasure to meet new friends. Whoever, wherever. If your an atheist, and logic and reason drive your cerebellum. 2018 is apon us . Bring it on.


Sure lets chat sometime


Yup. That's what I'm here for!

Jnei Level 8 Jan 1, 2018

Of course!


Sure. It's a goal of mine to be more social and outgoing in 2018.

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