This man married this woman. His friend warned him that she was a user. They bought a house together. After 30 years, they paid off the house. The woman kicked him out, he was ? broken. She let another man move in. So, how do you identify a user and how can you protect yourself from these people?
She certainly stayed in the relationship much longer than I would think necessary for a "user". If you're using somebody, why would you wait so long and keep up the act just for a house? If I were a user, I would find a rich man, use his money, and after accumulating some expensive items, I would move on to the next victim.
A user after 30 years.... I don't think so!
I think that she probably had enough of him..simple that is.
If the house thing is the only significant "using " she did, she was not a very finessed use. If she took 30 years to play out the game, she needs improvement. Could be, after 30 years she just got tired of the man and got another love jnteresr. Unfortunate but it happens. A respectable "user" would have played out the game within 5 years and got away with a LOT more than a house.
They were together for thirty years ? Generally speaking , " a user ," doesn't hang around that long . If anyone qualifies as a user , it would more likely be the man who moved in . This sounds like just one side of the story to me . I think there's a lot more to this story , than , " she got the house ."
Did she use the credit cards to the max limit,drain the bank accounts monthly?Send money to relatives without telling the husband?