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Why doen't the FDA investigate the drug industry for using false statistics to place drugs that are harming prople on the market.

Marine 8 July 4

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You're going to need to give me an example. All drugs that the FDA has authority over DO need to undergo testing to ensure they don't harm people before they can be approved.

Several new diabetes drugs advertised on TV not sure of spelling but one is invocana.There was the pain killer that caused birth defects and just listen to the adds and the side affects that these drugs can produce. The drug companies spend billions developing these drugs and find that law suits from these drugs are less than the profits they make before having to withdraw them or modify them thus they rush them to market and in so doing they falsify statistics according to employees who came forward.


Money. Money. Money


The FDA used to be much better at protecting the populace from dangerous drugs . Unfortunately , the big corporations got to the politicians , who then reduced the efficiency of the FDA in favor of the corporations making lots of money . Remember DDT , the farmers used to use to kill varmints in the corn fields ? The poison was showing up in other wild life ( like the American Eagle ) . and their egg shells were so thin , that the eggs didn't last long enough for the eaglets to hatch ? I suspect it was also causing plasticine in American women , who were not able to get pregnant . Then there was thalimitide (sp) . This was the drug they gave to pregnant women in the early 1960s , to prevent morning sickness . A lot of infants were born missing fingers, toes , arms , legs , eyes , and genitelia , until the CDC made a public broadcast about it on the evening news .



says X on the podium while doing the exact opposite in real life


We know that this is being done yet trumpie's administration is relaxing oversight on this industry. Where are the investigations he promised and the price fixing he would challenge?

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