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Did you know that climate change will make 200,000,000 people refugees in the coming decades. Their homes now do not have water to support them and research to find or provide water is being ignored. Guess where these people will be coming from? Yup the Middle East and Africa

Marine 8 July 4

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did you know humans will cause the next and biggest mass extinction?


Tuvulu is one of the first to suffer from sea level rising. But, they have a small population compared to that 200 million.


I'm afraid climate change won't be taken seriously until it impacts the upper echelons of society.
Once they can't breathe without carrying an oxygen tank around with them it might sink in.


Excellent post. The Western world benefits now from the industry that causes global warming. But poor people in the Global South are paying the price for capitalist greed and the complacency of our middle class.


At this time there needs to action taken by every country to reduce the CO2 they are producing along with Methane. As the populations grows it is putting severe stress on food production, ,water ,fuel places for these people just to live. Many of these people live in shacks now and this will not be permitted in western countries. Look at Brazil and this could come to all western countries. There isn't any planning or action being taken to deal with this problem. The USA territories that are islands may need to be evacuated because of rising water.These are US citizens . Where will we place them? This administration and it's denial of climate change is criminal. More states should follow CA policies and pretend that the trumpie adm does not exist.

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