29 4

I am pretty new to this site, but is christian slamming a normal part of things here?

Coming on here, I was thinking that I would find some like minded people, I am finding a lot of post on slamming christians. While I don't agree with the philosophy of christianity, doesn't slamming them, drop us to the fundamentalists levels?

Sluggs 4 Jan 2

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it happens


Firstly one, by definition, needs a religion to be a fundamentalist. Second, losing ones religion can be quite painful. Pain causes fear and fear is the precursor to anger. It may be helpful to allow some vent for this anger. You may be past these things. You may never have experienced these things, but others are still dealing with them. This is a community. I'm pretty sure no one is here for your pleasure...uhhh welcome.


Yes, combat on both sides, a winner and a loser, reason has to take the back seat.



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