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Dating and/or marriage

Could you ever date a Trump supporter?

  • 3 votes
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  • 4 votes
CodyMack 4 July 5

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No! Intelligence is important to me.


No, never. Which has made dating in Arkansas kinda tricky!


Never. I cannot have a relationship with someone whose values and beliefs go against everything I believe and value. I get a lot of shit from a certain friend about this, because for a long time (years) a guy and I were very flirty and into eachother but I found out he's a conservative trying to become a pastor, who voted for trump. It sucked because I really liked him until that moment.

But I stick to my beliefs and I cannot be with anyone who thinks mexicans and Muslims and gays are less than human.


Ewwwww... gross. I'm too freaking cute to deal with such people.


I tried other dating sites but just could not push the submit button because I did not want to wade through all the trumpists I'd be meeting. Here, I at least know the leaning of the ladies on this site.


If that's the criteria to define/qualify a person then I would say the problem is somewhere else


Never. I can't even have anyone in my house that supports him and his "values" let alone in my bed. I would rather literally eat shit and die.

Eh, don't do that, there are plenty of us out here.

@starwatcher-al I know...thank goodness...I am not ready to die yet! lol


After being married to someone for over 20 years with different political and religious beliefs, I can say absolutely not! Next time around I'm going to be extremely picky....I'd rather be single than with someone I can't respect. And I don't respect anyone who is conservative or believes in a magic sky daddy.


I feel like that would go against everything I stand for, so I couldn't do it


My ex-husband is a Trump supporter. That's not why we're divorced, but it definitely is a concrete representation of our completely different moral codes.


My first dealbreaker is smoking. My second is being a Trump supporter.

If you aren’t horrified by Trump by now then you are part of the problem.


Only if I didn't know about it. lol They'd have to be deeply buried in the closet.


I wrote in my profile:

"If you are a Trump supporter, hit the back button NOW."


Lols, there are some on here you know!


As Jack Nicholson said in a movie, I'd rather stick needles in my eyes


I like my dates without lobotomies

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