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To the people who have read my posts, Do I come across as......(fill in negative or positive or neutral)

Any word that describes how I come across and I like positive but I want the truth more than anything. I promise my feelings are irreverent, I'm a big boy and I can take any and all criticisms you have. This will help me evaluate how I relate to others.

paul1967 8 Oct 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Thoughtful - you choose your words before you utter them, the opinions of reasonable people matter to you some
Straightshooter - once you're clear what you think on a particular topic and have chosen the words, it doesn't matter what other less reasonable people think

Thank you. Today someone said that when I post things, it seems to them that I'm acting superior. It was offered as advice and not hostile in any way, but it made me think, is that who I am? Am I that insecure person who needs validation and isn't even aware of it. I thought it might help if I got feedback from the people here. If I were that guy, I would want to know it.

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