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Facebook fight

Is it ok to unfriend your SO on Facebook?


So my GF now ex and I got into a fight the other day about Facebook. Her posts are always immature and sexual in nature. Which didn't really bother me until recently when some of her new co workers started responding to her posts inappropriately. Her post was "Get yourself a vibrator they won't break your heart". Funny yes, but her new co workers were posting things like I would never break your heart and other comments. Anyway she told me about the guys and how she didn't want them doing that. I told her just to delete them. Problem solved in my opinion. But she said no she was going to talk it over with her dad who works with them and see if he could do something about it. I let it go and then when I got home I saw more posts from them and she was replying back in a flirty way. So instead of waiting until she asked her dad I just unfreinded her that way it wouldn't be on my newsfeed anymore and didn't really like her posts most of time anyway. A few days went past with no mention of the posts and we are having a good time then she tries tagging me in a post and gets upset that I unfriended her. She goes ballistic and says I don't trust her and a whole bunch of stuff. We both got tired of it and called it quits.

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McWalsoft 6 July 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Third option..... Assuming you are monogamous, exclusive and committed to building a life together, WTF is going on in your relationship that she is interacting sexually AT ALL on the Internet with her co-workers? And why TF would she run to daddy about it?

Good luck with this one.

Edit: I see that you are open to meeting women. Perhaps you are both poly? If not, I don’t know what to say about this whole thing.

The whole issue happened at the beginning of the week. Not sure if I had this account or not. It would have been really close. We had been dating for idk about a month, we didn't really say either way if we were exclusive or not. I don't date multiple people at a time so if I am in a relationship with someone where we make out and go to each others houses I am exclusive instantly. Maybe others feel different but that's just how I do it. But yes it wasn't the best feeling in the world to read the posts from her coworkers. You are preaching to the choir on this one. I have no clue why she would think it would be ok or that her dad could have any power to help her. Honestly I think she was lying about actually trying to stop it. But it's no biggie I just have more time and money now lol.


I unfriend friends and family all the time, If they need me they know my number. I get tired of seeing racist, religious, and political posts so i just remove or unfollow. No need to make a big deal of it

Tejas Level 8 July 7, 2018

I unfriend people all the time for those reasons which I guess is why I didn't see much of a problem doing it to her. However looking back I should have probably told her about it before I did it.

Unfriended my brother for the same reason, which was fine until I told him why.


Poll needs third option: F Fakebook Entirely


I would have gone for Unfollow rather than Unfriend which seems to have a symbolic element to it. On the other hand the logic of her reaction, specifically "says I don't trust her" makes no sense whatsoever. People who don't trust you stalk you on Facebook not Unfriend you.

Kimba Level 7 July 7, 2018

Yea, I thought about doing that. Honestly I probably should have. It would have caused less of an issue that is for sure.


Good decision IMO.


what's an SO?

@AMGT Thanks. Is there a dictionary for these abbreviations? l seem to spend a great deal of time trying to figure some of these out, and when l do find out, l feel kinda stupid. ?

@AMGT Any help would be appreciated. How do you bookmark? Gees, l am stupid!

The Urban Dictionary

@AMGT Thanks. ☺

Sorry, I should have specified significant other rather than being lazy.

@Sticks48 I use - they probably have an app if you're a mobil user

@JenBeberstein Thank you very much. ?

@Sticks48 You're welcome!


Sounds like a drama queen

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