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Goodreads: Does anybody have any experience of it? I have found it difficult to make contact with anyone on it. A lot of the discussions and a lot of the books popular on it are ... well .... boring. It's a good idea in principle and I'd like it to work but either there's something wrong with it or there's something wrong with me. Don't all speak at once.

Hellbent 7 Jan 3

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm on Goodreads. I like it and sometimes use its book recommendation feature though I only have a handful of friends on Goodreads. Also, several authors that I read frequently post on there.

The book recommendations are based on which books you have read so I tend to have good luck with that feature since I've added nearly 400 books that I've read.

So, I guess it really depends on what you want to get out of it.


i find it boring too.


I love it. I've found that the more I post books and ratings and such, the easier it is to get plugged in with people, groups, and discussions that suit my tastes. Plus, joining groups and such on Facebook that suit my interests, and then connecting with the members on Goodreads as well. If you just go on the site and poke around, yeah, it's going to be tough to enjoy it much. You really do need to put a little effort in, which suited me fine, since I initially only joined to easily keep track of my reading lists.


lol I have looked at it but never engaged. NOw I will let someone else speak

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