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Has anyone read Lamb by Christopher Moore

The full title is Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal. A very funny book, not approved by any church I know of.

GeorgeRocheleau 8 Jan 4

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Yes, but it was so long ago. I loved it. I would read it again When I began, I didn't realize what it was. When it dawned on me, it was hoot to read. What imagination.
I will, read it again AFTER I read Fire and Fury. lol This time I will underline many parts.

PEGUS Level 5 Jan 7, 2018

I love Lamb! Christopher Moore is wonderful when you need a laugh 🙂


The Life of Brain was and remains a very controversial movie.....🙂


One of my ALL TIME favorite books. My copy is black leather bound, with guided title and page edges, and ribbon place marker- like any holy book!


I read it when I was still a Christian minister, and even I was able to enjoy it. The first half, especially, is witty and actually deals with the person of Jesus fairly positively. All the irreverence that could be displayed towards Jesus, Moore instead transfers over to Biff. It's one of the most judicious satires of Jesus/Christianity I've seen.

Not sure if Moore was just being conciliatory, but in the Afterward he claims that he actually believes in Jesus and God and such (I won't get specific about his beliefs because I don't remember the exact way he phrased it).

Now that I'm no longer a Christian, I really want to go back and read it again. 🙂 Thanks for reminding me about it.


I loved this book. I read it years ago, and drew some attention once for laughing out loud on a public bus. 🙂

Kythe Level 2 Jan 4, 2018
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