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What are some of your personal “rules” that you never break?

AmiSue 8 July 10

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I really don't have rules I'm more of a guideline kind of guy


My one hard and fast rule I will never break is putting up with people with hard and fast rules.


Also I ask every woman with a little teeny tiny stomach bulge if she's pregnant.

I have fun.


Being a marriage only person... I feel strong to be able to strict myself to it!


To never split an infinitive. (I'm trying to be cute; get it?!))

  1. No relationship is more important than my daughter.
    2.anyone who i want Sexually has to be vetted by a third party because by ass will be biased. And they will pick up on the red flags.
  2. Honestly is mandatory. Especially because I will not be a home wrecker.or Someone's dirty little secret.

no 6 inch cocks
no men over 55
no marriage or steady guy anymore ever
no one else on my phone plan
never cheat or lie or hurt anyone purposefully and if done accidentally try and fix it
drink coke
don't deny yourself anything reasonable
love your babies and grands and great grands and so on but don't let them destroy you
never follow all the rules

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