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A Priori Axioms to answer life's big questions.

What is the basis of existance? What is reality? How did reality come to be? Why did it come to be? Does god exists?

I will prove the answers using axioms a priori. These statements must be true by their definition. They are all rational statements.

For this post, when I say 'rational' I'm referring to that which follows the laws of logic and reason in philosophy. When I say 'rationalism' i am referring to a philosophical position that is opposed to empiracism. Rationalism states that it is possible to learn the truths of existance with logic and reason that occurs only in the mind without sensory, emotional or mystical experience. Empiracism states that it is impossible to know these answers which makes sense because empiracists seek answers using sensory information.

  1. Reality can only come into being the most simple way possible. (It can not take any extra steps)

  2. A thing can not pass down a trait that it does not posses in some form.

  3. The basis for existence must be present in every thing that exists.

  4. Reality and monads must be rational.

  5. If the environment was such that one monad came into existance, it is compulsory that infinite monads came into existence in the exact same way.

What is the one single thing that is present in all things? What is the most rational thing you can think of? It must be precise. It can not be wrong. The only thing that fits this criteria is mathematics (ontological). If zero exists, then it is compulsory that all numbers exist as a mental concept. Zero is not nothing however. It is also the of a negative and a positive number. As a mental concept zero exists, infinity exists, and all numbers in between. Zero, as a mental concept is a monad. Because zero exists, all numbers that reality is made of also exist. All combinations of these numbers exist. It would be impossible for them not to exist. This is a priori axiom arrived at by the numbered priori axioms listed above.

Because monads are a mental concept, all of reality is a mental concept. This is a priori axiom arrived at by the numbered priori axioms.

Infinite monads exist. This is a priori axiom arrived at by the numbered prior I axioms.

These monadic zeros, would be represented by the point because it is the most simple mental concept. The simplest thing a monad could do is make a line. It is therefore compulsory that it does make a line. This is a priori axiom arrived at by the numbered a priori axioms.

To clarify...

If the basis of reality is a mental concept, it would not and could not create something different from it's self. It would be less simple. Materialism is false. It is impossible to prove materialism. No one has yet. If got think you can, be my guest. It is possible to prove you have a mind however. You think therefore you do, or rather are.

All is number. - Pythagoras

Mathematics is the language God. You are a mathematical combination that stems from a monadic zero. Every combination of numbers possible must come from each zero. It is an a priori axiom.

The law of conservation of energy and the law of thermodynamics proves materialism is false.

Reality is composed of mental points which make lines. If you look into physics you can see that this is the case.... Sacred Geometry and sine and co sine waves.

Debate encouraged.

SpiritofReason 4 Jan 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Not sure what you would like to debate? Reality is subjective, that has been proven over and over. I tend to dislike it, I still believe in some form of 'absolute truth' . Sorta what Plato was talking about but can't prove it and thus is just my personal belief.

That reality can only come into being in most simple way? What is basis for this? Can you prove it? Considering that reality is an abstraction; this is what you argued right? as you describe reality being mental now you are delving in workings of brain and mind which is still not completely understood from scientific angle. So what are you really saying? That brain can be explained by mathematics? Ok. Please, do so? I am interested in seeing that? I mean actual formula not conjecture and metaphysics.

On side note: I enjoyed your post. Don't take me wrong.

People's experiences are subjective, yes. However ultimately everyone experiences an objective reality. If the objective reality is rational, then it must be possible to understand it using logic and reason.

So, you disagree that "reality can only come into being in the most simple, straightforward way possible" to NOT necessarily be an a priori axiom. I disagree with this, but I'm not sure how I could prove that to you. I can say that there is no sufficient reason WHY reality would take a more complicated and least efficient route. In a reality that is logical and rational, everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens for 'no reason whatsoever'.

If I'm correct, that mind is the basis of existance, and not matter, then mainstream science (scienctific materialism) will never find the answers to things like... How everything came from nothing, do we have eternal life, does 'God' exist, ect. It's great for things like technology, but it is a flawed method finding 'big' truths. Deductive truths are better than inductive truths for answering these questions. Science uses inductive truths, except when they use math but because they use it with the overlay of the philosophy of scientific materialism, often those answers will be wrong. Often science is only an approximation, not a solid truth that can never be proven wrong.

1+1 is always 2 for all eternity. This is deductively certain! A circle is not a square... this is true no matter what, forever.

You don't have to understand complex equations to understand and prove to yourself that reality is made of ontological mathematics. The only thing you must understand is the concept of numbers in general, especially zero and infinity.

The law of sufficient reason is valid here as well... reality has no sufficient reason why the basis of reality would create something other than itself. Matter can not be the basis of reality. It's impossible due to the law of conservation of energy. Matter can't come from nothing and it can't come from something non material. It's impossible. Therefore, it can only be true that the basis of reality is not material, and that it did not create something other than it's self.

@SpiritofReason I agree with most of what you say.

'Therefore, it can only be true that the basis of reality is not material, and that it did not create something other than it's self.'

And yet, problem is that your sentence is flawed in sense that you can not describe reality in negative, as in this case saying 'non-material'. You may want to say that basis for reality is energy, as that is non know what I mean. I am pointing it out because others will do it too. Same reason to why Atheist can not describe their reality as loses its meaning. But I get it, and in fact agree with it.

'reality can only come into being in the most simple, straightforward way possible' It is elegant argument, no doubt. I can not say I disagree with it, but at the same time I can not accept it as a rule. Too many things in my experience had a law of exception and this is essentially my problem. I can say most of the time above is true, but since I can not prove it and you can not prove it, I can not exclude possibility of exception no matter how small.

My old argument for nature of reality was this: There was documentary long ago describing difference in perception for different species of animals where for example they would create lense of a cat so we can see the way a cat sees. They also created how bees see as well. They have different perception of depth and colors, for example bees see UV so all colors are shades of black and white. To make long story short, perception of reality for bees , cats and our selves varies as we each see the same 'reality' but our senses describe it in completely different coherence. And this is whereas lies the problem...and possibly solution...someday. We can not experience reality in any other way but through our senses...we depend on it. Our senses however may deceive us and describe reality 'incorrectly.' or lead us astray. Thus, we can not certain that reality we perceive is absolute truth but rather our interpretation of truth. Same applies to reason, don't you think?

"Our senses however may deceive us and describe reality 'incorrectly.' or lead us astray. Thus, we can not certain that reality we perceive is absolute truth but rather our interpretation of truth. Same applies to reason, don't you think?"

In theory, our reason could be just as flawed as our senses. It's true that I'm making an assumption that our reasoning is not flawed. It's a necessary assumption to make however. Without it, we could never claim to or have a point in trying to understand anything. Everything uses reason, even mainstream science (However distorted that version of reason may be). I can tell that you are a skeptical thinker.. That's a great thing. There have been times when something was thought to be a contradiction but was later found to be only a paradox. This could apply to even the system of ontological mathematics.

Some of the things about this system could be found to be different down the line if reason says so. There's definately a lot of details that have not been discovered and incorporated. Even though I can't 'prove' it.... within 99.999% certainty, I am sure of it. It's the most complete system. If it's later proven wrong, I would be okay with that. Even if in its entirety it can not be proven beyond a doubt, it makes sense to accept it as the most likely true system or at the very least far more likely then scienctific materialism and religions. It's completeness and adherence to reason is what drawn me to this system and my conclusion that it's the true grand system of everything.


quote; ' It's completeness and adherence to reason is what drawn me to this system and my conclusion that it's the true grand system of everything.'

It is no doubt the only system that makes sense at this time. Otherwise, everything would be meaningless.

Quote: 'There have been times when something was thought to be a contradiction but was later found to be only a paradox. '

I like that, made me smile.I vaguely recall Schrodinger's cat and also there is another one with light behaving as both wave and particle.

Thank you for enjoyable conversation.

hi my name is michael im lerning about wicca in the pagan religion im looking for someone who is open mineded


The key to all is "space time". Without time nothing exists and yet all at that moment measured by our reality shows it too exist. Without time there is no measurement ergo nothing exists, until we take a measurement. Infinity , eternal life, forever all mean the same thing, NO TIME, nothing

EMC2 Level 8 Jan 7, 2018

I have met a LOT of nomads and very, very few of them are rational. Thank god. wait, strike that. With a straight line.
Thanks for sharing though.

Its the rational laws of reality that allows people to behave in irrational ways.


I'm dazed and confused!


UNCLE! It is not often I concede so quickly, but I am clearly out of my depth on this one.

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