Assuming multi-millennia old doctrines of absolutist dogma fail to address an evolving moral spectrum, where should the foundations of a new mode of civic morality lay? What would be some responsible guiding principles?
I have a feeling that morality started with cave-dwellers who worked out what rules work best for the survival of the tribe. I'm guessing that the individual's survival depended on the tribe so the tribe was the sustainer of life. So would it work still as a guiding light for society even though we're out of the caves and very self-centred in our modern world? I think so, so long as we never lose sight that society must be the focus for morals and we never allow independent, subjective morals to dominate the issue.
Distance is the major factor in civic anything (morality, duty). I have a hard time thinking something is wrong when it doesn't affect anyone. My morality is mine, no one else's -- imposing my sense of moral right or wrong seems counter productive. (Of course the lady who turned left today from a stop light where she wasn't supposed to turn left evoked a negative moral response.)
Just where they always have lain, in the consensus of implicit and explicit interactions within society ... wherein people figure out how to coexist and cooperate sustainably and productively.
The most common basic principle has long been the so-called Golden Rule. But at the societal level I think it has been pushing us towards less poverty and inequality and therefore less war.