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Would you date someone who is religious?

If you were to date someone who is religious, are there certain religions you would avoid? Or are you fine as long as they respect that you believe differently?

Timpviewchick 3 Jan 5

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As long as you respect each other's views, I don't think it really matters haha


As long as when she's on her knees she ain't prayin'!


I have dated religous women and it's fine as long as you can respect each others beliefs without trying to proselytize one another. As time goes on, it becomes harder (usually) to manage those differences (in my experience).


I still need to be able to have rationale conversations, so you know if they respect my belief by not laughing when I talk about Evolution or something like that, but they need to be open enough to actually talk about their beliefs without throwing a tantrum whenever you present them with convincing enough evidence.


I have in the past... Two I can think of that were the most memorable. the first one was a youth pastor and she was out of the two most deffinitly the more kind and accepting of me not being a beliver we got along well and actualy had quite a few things in common... The second one was far from the first and im not sure her religous views were the biggest issue she was just very demanding in many ways religon just being the biggest.


I tried it. Come to find out, she dated me, because she thought she could convert and save me. I had no idea that I needed to be saved. I explained that once you realize the truth, there is no going back. You'd have as much chance of convincing me Santa Claus is real. Maybe if it were someone that understood it to be a personal/private thing and not something to be worn on the sleeve.


I think it would depend on the person. You could try to work it it out if you really wanted to.
There’s so many obstacles though, that I’d rarely ever even get to the point of sincerely wanting to try.


This would be a tough one, but I beileve if you respect the others opinions it can work out


The idea that it would work as long as “they respect that you believe differently” sounds like it would work, and at first that was my idea.

However after looking back on my past relationships, and the ones of friends. I would not be interested in dating a religious woman.


Yes, because most people are. What I haven't yet dated is an atheist. I'm curious to see if matching world views leads to a more meaningful connection.


Yes as long as they're not the kind that shoves their views down everybody's throat or does evil things in the name of their 'god'. If it was one of them hippy types who is about charity and kindness, I would fuck their brains out.


I think you have to define the word "date". Spend time with? Yes. Eat food with? Yes. Have sex with? Yes. Enter into a serious, long term relationship? No.


There would be a lot of variables to consider, but at the very least they would need to respect that I believe differently and not push their views on me.

Jsxwi Level 4 Jan 6, 2018

Yes to the latter... Although I can see where the scenario may cause issues. I don't subscribe to the notion that opposites attract.

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