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The first thing in the Bible that made me question it was the first story in Genesis. This was back in my freshman high school years. I live in the Philippines so everyone is batshit crazy religious Christians or a minority group of Muslims

So a few flips of pages in and I called it bullshit.

Adam and Eve had two sons. Cain and Abel. Cain murdered Abel. God super mad as hell. Cain said, fuck this I'm out. So Cain fled. The first fucking murderer escaped from the all-knowing God. God ultra fuming with anger now cus he can't find the fugitive.

Cain settled in some God-forsaken land where God's surveillance system don't work. Cain found a wife. From where??? Only three people exists since Cain strangled the life outa Abel so where did this bitch come from?

She a predecessor of Adam Eve combo too?

If so, did Adam n Eve produced another offspring who also fled and found Cain? Was she her sister?

They fornicated and made babies? Malformed in-bred babies that created a whole generation of in-bred human pedigree of dumb cavemen?

Incest is a sin right? A sin punishable by death so how did those fuckers went on populate the whole face of the planet with 7 billion smart and mindless critters 6-7 thousand yeats later?


Also, Satan the serpent offered my man Adam's babe, Eve a fruit of knowlwdge. Satan was a scientist bitchez. And God, hell this Biblical character like all religions wants to supress knowledge. He want no e-books and lab coats and telescopes and free porn. He don't want people to have access to knbowledge.

I can't fathom how some smart ass people who brag about PHDs and prestigious university degrees could believe this fairytale literally.

Rickmorty 3 Oct 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Christians tell me God is pure love. The definition of pure love is the absence of all hate! It is not logically possible for pure love two sentence Souls 2 pure hate without having anger or hate to do it with. How is it possible for pure love to get angry? Pure love cannot exist if it has anger in it.


I like your version of the bible. Please, write more.

SamL Level 7 Oct 12, 2017

I'm an atheist, but to be fair, Catholics have a good way to deal with that kind of problem: a pope, I don't remember which, said everything in the Old Testament is to be taken metaphorically, not literally; most likely because the Vatican's scholars noticed many things didn't make sense and that there are contradictions. Creationism has even been classed by the previous pope as paganism - I found that REAL funny, frankly.

I heard there are some ancient Jewish texts that talk about the births of the next few women, Eve being the mother but the father not being specified between Adam, Cain or Abel, but yes it was inbreeding fest, which should tell a lot about the genetic diversity that would (not) exist nowadays if anything about that was true.

MarcO Level 5 Oct 12, 2017

Bro, I couldn't have said it better myself. There are so many plot holes in that book its stupid.


It starts when young kids get indoctrinated, later in life you either, break free, or you compartmentalize what you know scientifically with what you believe spiritually.


I'll just add that Genesis could actually be the history of just the Jews, and not all of mankind. I think this actually makes more sense.

Well, there might be a reason why their god is supposed to have said "I will be your only God, for I am a jealous God" (in a different part of the Bible something else is written, but that's just another contradiction). One could thing that it implies that the early Jews did not believe their god to be the only one in existence, but more like their dedicated, ethnic god that must be the only one to be revered. It's just a fancy idea, but it's fun to think about.

MarcO, the first commandment is an implied admission by their god that there are in fact other gods, if they're to believe those are the actual words of their god.

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