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American Atheists National Convention - Easter Weekend - Anyone going?

I just saw that the American Atheists National Convention will be Easter Weekend, March 29 – April 1, 2018, in Oklahoma City. []

Anybody going to this?

For those who have been, what is it like? Is it worth going?

Please share any thoughts or insights. I'd love to see us have a meetup there.

BackToReality 6 Jan 6

Enjoy being online again!

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The hotels want to charge you $15.00 a day to park your car after soaking you for $124.00 with taxes to stay at their hotel!
I would like to attend that is just too much BS to pay extra for parking and overt conventioon fee to boot!!
Athistism is sure expensive to attend a Convention of other Atheist's!


I go to college in Texas, so if school allows it I will definitely be there! Have been dying to meet more people in the Athiest community 🙂


I posted the same question a couple days ago. I am going!!!


Definitely coming.

Well Obviously... You know who I am, right?

Hahaha, weird. I thought you were replying to my post. I basically said the same thing. Lmfao


I am going. I missed the last one. I am looking for other people who want to split a room or rooms to help with the cost. Friend of mine went to one and they split the cost of three rooms. It gave them a chance to get to know new people as they toggled from room to room. Also gave them a chance to help some who could not afford a room.
If anyone is interested in splitting a room or rooms let me know. Message me and I'll give you my number.
Thanks 🙂


Can't make it, church conflict.



I’m really going to try to go this year—it’ll be tough to get the time off. If I do go I think I might drive. I went to One in Minneapolis (in 2008 maybe), one in Des Moines in 2011, and the one at the Reason Rally in 2012. I also had VIP seating and it was amazing!!! I love the conventions because I can totally be myself and not worry about people going on the defensive! I really hope I manage to go and maybe I’ll meet you there!

Lilie Level 6 Jan 10, 2018

I'm going! I'm really excited. Can you tell I don't get out much? I forgot it was Easter and April Fools, lol.


No. I missed the one in New Jersey years ago. I hope it will take place -sometimes- in New York.


I plan to be there.

Admin Level 9 Jan 6, 2018

Yay, my first reply from Admin 🙂 I feel like a true member now. Kinda like how some music artists know they've really made it when Weird Al does their song 🙂

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